
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:孙伏辰[1] 李国栋[2] Sun Fuchen Xi’an International Studies University Li Guodong Xi’an Jiaotong University, Foreign Language Department

机构地区:[1]西安外国语学院 [2]西安交通学院

出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第6期99-105,共7页

摘  要:实施图画手段日语直接教授法是以中国4年制日语系本科的学生为对象的。通过对几种教授法的对比,日语毕业论文,阐述本教授法实施的可能性。教师通过使用本教授法能够创造活跃的教学环境,日语毕业论文,提高学习者的学习欲望,使初学者从零开始经过1年的学习达到日语能力测试N4水平。进而以实例说明此教授法在教学过程中的实际运用措施。最后将得出传统的语法翻译法和实施图画手段直接法结合使用,能够增强日语课堂教学效果这一结论。The use of pictures in direct teaching of Japanese is designed for freshmen in Japanese department. Through a comparison of several teaching methods, the article discusses the feasibility of adopting this direct teaching method. The use of pictures can create a dynamic environment and better motivate students. After one-year of study, students can pass the N4 test. The article also illustrates the adoption of this direct teaching method in practical teaching. Finally, the article concludes that the teaching effect can be enhanced when the traditional translation teaching method is combined with direct teaching method.

关 键 词:图画 日语 直接教授法 

分 类 号:G649.313[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
