
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


本文以预设理论作为基本理论框架,用案例略论的措施对美国情景喜剧中的幽默进行略论和论证, 进而探讨言语幽默的产生机制。探讨对象选用时下热播的三部美剧《生活大爆炸》,《查莉的成长日记》和《老友记》,以其中的幽默台词为语料,重点从语用预设理论对此解读和分类探讨,深度探究语用预设的运用价值。



American sitcoms are warmly received by an increasing population around the world, with its humorous scripts and exaggerated acting skills. Humor, as an indispensable part of people’s everyday life, has long been discussed among academic circles. Scholars from different research field have drawn attention to this interesting topic including linguistic researchers, who might be more concerned of what kind of humor generation mechanisms could make these sitcoms amusing and fascinating.
This thesis employs the presupposition theory as theoretical foundation, using case study method to discuss and analysis examples of verbal humor found in American sitcoms, and further explore the generation mechanism of humor. Researching examples are excerpted from three hot American sitcoms: The Big Bang Theory, Good Luck Charlie and Friends. The study mainly focuses on pragmatic presupposition. And the examples are categorized by different manipulation strategies of pragmatic presupposition. The practical value of pragmatic presupposition will be proved.
The result of this thesis will serve as a supplement to the literature on linguistic study of verbal humor, and provide some reference to other linguistic researchers as well as humor researchers.

Key words: verbal humor, linguistics, presupposition, American sitcom, pragmatics 
