
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


随着互联网的迅速发展,网络语言的使用率逐渐增加,同时网络语言探讨也成为社会语言学探讨的重要领域和热点话题。当前网络语言的各类探讨有许多,比如柴磊(2017)研讨了对于网络语言的文体特点并略论了形成的原因;施春宏 (2017) 探讨了网络语言的语言价值和语言学价值;刘春丹(2017)针对我国网络语言的发展近况及发展趋势等进行了略论。可是,这些学者们很少有学者针对网络语言的语域方面进行略论探讨,并对中国学院生网络语言缺少系统化的探讨。



With the rapid development of the Internet, there has been an increase in the use of network language gradually influencing every aspects of people’s life. The study of network language has aroused extensive attention from our society and becomes an important field and hot topic of sociolinguistics research. Lots of studies have been done on network language. For example, Chai (2017) discussed the stylistic features and causes of network language. Shi (2017) discussed the linguistic value of network language. Liu (2017) analyzed the current situation and trend of Chinese network language. However, few scholars had studied the network language from the perspective of register theory and were lack of systemic studies of Chinese college students’ network language.
Based on the register theory including field, mode and tenor of discourse, the present analysis is a qualitative analysis of Chinese college students’ network language. It has been found that the network language is different from the daily expressions. Network language has more various forms and is more creative. The field of network language refers to the topics of Internet communication and the specific activity ways and acts. The mode of network language combines the characteristics of both oral and written language. Network language usually tends to use some words of onomatopoeia, homophone, compounding, abbreviation and some simple sentences. The tenor of network language is the equal status of each people during communicating on the Internet which can be seen in the modal particle, personal pronoun and so on.A
All in all, after analyzing the features of Chinese college students’ network language and having systemic study network language, this thesis makes some progress to the study of network language. For example, some studies just analyze the trend or cause of network language, but lack of the analysis of linguistic features. However, this thesis studies not only the linguistics but also the register theory of Chinese college students’ network language which makes up the lack of linguistic features of network language, especially providing some basis for various forms of network language. 

Key words: network language, register theory, Chinese college students
