
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19





English proverb is a special language form, a production of human wisdom. The rhetoric plays a vital role in English proverbs. It is because people use a lot of rhetoric devices in English proverbs that make English proverbs charming and unforgettable. This article analyses and summarizes some English proverbs which are frequently used in English proverbs, such as simile, metaphor, personification, contrast, antithesis, hyperbole, alliteration, consonance, oxymoron, and repetition, which is helpful to learn and utilize English proverbs. 

Keywords :English proverb, rhetoric, rhetoric devices

1.    Introduction
Proverbs, as the accumulation and crystallization of human wisdom and national practice and experience, are the glittering gems of the cultural treasure house in the world. They are fixed sentences that are spread among people and reflect the profound meaning by simple and popular expression. With regards to the ever lasting charm of English proverbs, there are various reasons, the most important of which is the extensive use of English rhetorical devices. The purpose of the use of rhetoric such as trope, personation, antithesis, repetition, rhyme and analogy is to make the proverbs spread widely and profoundly. 
With the rhetoric, we can express our thoughts and emotions better in English proverbs. An English proverb is a stationary statement that widely spreads among the masses of people. Rhetoric plays an important role in language. At the same time, the vocabulary of English proverbs is often easy to understand but meaningful.  In essence, most of the English proverbs contain rhetoric, which makes proverbs more specific, concise and euphemistic. Generally speaking, the application of rhetoric in English proverbs can make people understand and remember them more easily. Rhetoric devices include metaphor, simile, contrast, personification, hyperbole, rhyme, oxymoron etc. In some areas, the study of rhetorical devices is a complex and interesting subject. This paper only discusses the applications of eight kinds of rhetorical devices.
