挣脱束缚,寻求心灵的救赎: 对电影《肖申克的救赎》的略论与解读[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


This paper is a discussion and interpretation of the American movie The Shawshank Redemption. In this movie, the hero Andy, suffering judicial injustice, hoped to be free and persevered in breaking the cage — the Shawshank Prison. “Redemption” means self-liberation, the pursuit of freedom, and is also a strong desire for freedom, for hope and perseverance. It is because of the presence of hope that people can continue to live, especially for those who are in confusion or trouble. Hope is a great power, so people can stick to it until they get the physical and spiritual salvation. Only by never stopping learning, never giving up cherished beliefs in the soul will people have the opportunity to enrich themselves. As for Andy, though he was in prison, with the flesh being detained and tortured, his heart still remained free, and he was devoted to his religious belief, and was passionate for art. In our times, there’s a serious lack of faith. We often get lost in the negative emotion, being lazy, and vain. Then we need something to support our mind. So that we can withstand the wind and rain as a rock without being swayed. The paper focuses on the analysis of the leading characters and theme of the movie, which reflects American ideals and beliefs and social system. All these play an active role in thinking about humanity and promoting China’s development.

Keywords: Redemption;Shackles;Hope;Freedom

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