
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘 要




Language and culture came into being when human beings’ civilization developed to a certain phase. Language is a significant composition in culture, and it develops as culture develops. Because of this, the development of language can reflect the succeeding, development and spread of a society and a certain kind of civilization. Due to the close relationship between culture and language, people’s research on language and word became very important. A deep research on language and word can be very helpful to explain its function in a society and help people have a better and deeper understanding on one nation’s traditional culture and its spirit.
Languages of any country and nationality have a very long history. However, no matter in western countries or China, no matter in which society and civilization, a language phenomenon exists, that is language taboo. Among all kinds of taboos, the most typical one should be death euphemism. Since death itself is a very mysterious phenomenon, people’s research on it is very limited. People are scared about that, and at the same time, because of the pain it brings to human beings, people are not willing to speak of death in a direct way. People prefer to choose a more flexible way, which is death euphemism.
Language is a reflection of a nation’s culture. People tend to use a more flexible and abstract way to speak of a scaring thing using some kind of techniques like simile to avoid embarrassment of talking about it straightforwardly.
Death euphemism is typical because of its own features, this thesis aims at explaining this language phenomenon in order to unveil the cultural difference 
between China and western countries, thus plays an active role in the communication between the two sides. This thesis tries to compare death euphemism in both Chinese and English from the perspective of religion and cultural values and explore better translation methods based on the comparison, and finally provides a better way for communication between the two.

Key words: death, euphemism, culture, similarities, differences
