
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘 要




Language is an important component part of the culture, and the idioms is the product of the development of language. Idioms reflect the different history, geographical environment, aesthetic orientation and mode of thinking. English and Chinese are rich in animal idioms with long history of language. Animal idioms with special cultural connotation in different languages reflect different social psychology, customary habits, beliefs as well as value orientation. In this article, the present writer defines the “cultural connotation” firstly and divides animal words into five groups according to degree to which their different cultural connotation in the two languages. Then the writer makes a comparative of animal idioms’ cultural connotation’ similarities and differences between English and Chinese by examples. Also the writer analyzes the factors that influence the connotation of animal idioms. To be aware of the different cultures will promote the communication and avoid barriers of cross-cultural communication, promote national integration and the sustainable development of human culture.

Key words: cultural connotation; animal idioms;comparison

1 Introduction
In modern times, with the increasingly frequent communication between Chinese and westerns, Chinese and English has absorbed a lot of idioms from each other. Because of the different history, different tradition, different habits and different ways of thinking between two nations, the animal idioms accumulated by history have more differences than similarities. It has the positive significance in understanding of western culture through the contrast between English and Chinese animal idioms of different connotation and basic characteristics.
