
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


The prepositions and its phrases are widely used in the English language with complicated meanings. As in Chinese we have a much smaller number of prepositions, the proper translation of English prepositions into Chinese often presents great difficulty, the difficulty of finding the proper and equivalent words in Chinese. What’s more, it is hard for us to avoid prepositions when we do translation from English into Chinese. If we ignore the importance of prepositions there will be some mistakes in our translation. On the other hand we can translate English articles into Chinese precisely, vividly and make the translation to the point if we can translate English prepositions idiomatically and metaphorically. Many people have classified the English prepositions into many groups and this article will discuss the Chinese translation of English prepositions with negative meanings. Many English words and structures can imply negative meanings with positive forms. They can create various kinds of expressions. And this article is aimed to illustrate the roles of English prepositions especially those with negative meanings in English articles and the methods we can employ to translate them into Chinese. It is my hope that this article can be of help in arousing people's interests in English prepositions by calling attention to the different methods of translating these prepositions. And of course it is also hoped that this essay may help those do well in translating English into Chinese.

Keywords: preposition; negative; English-Chinese translation

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