
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

In light of Eugene A. Nida’s theory of equivalence, this thesis makes an analytic study of the translation of the novel Fingersmith written by Sarah Waters, with the aim to prove the feasibility of the theory in literary translation, especially contemporary suspicious novels. According to Nida’s criteria in this theory, a translator should aim at reproducing a translation that is the closest natural equivalent of the original message, so as to be as distinctly understood and felt by the target language receptor as by the source language receptor. Functional equivalence includes three aspects: meaning, style and reader’s response. This thesis explores Lin Yuwei’s translation of Fingersmith on different linguistic levels including words, phrases, sentences, and reader response, to prove that whether this translation version achieves functional equivalence to the maximum and whether his translation achieves formal correspondence to some extent which makes up the disadvantages of functional equivalence.
Keywords   equivalence theory   Fingersmith   functional equivalence  reader response

关键词  对等理论   荆棘之城   功能对等   读者反映

Fingersmith, written by Sarah Waters, is a temporary famous suspicious novel. In light of the fact that Nida’s Functional Equivalence is a well-acknowledged translation theory, this thesis will make a study of the applicability of the theory to the Chinese translation version of Fingersmith. On the basis of the theory, the thesis will explore the feasibility of the translation in linguistic factors, cultural information and the reader’s response.
