
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要


Universal Grammar is a very significant theory in modern linguistics. Universal Grammar is persuasive in that it in a way serves as an answer to the logical problem of language acquisition that traditional behaviorists fail to answer. Universal Grammar is applied to the research of second language acquisition nowadays while it is primarily put forward to deal with first language acquisition. Although views vary on the availability of universal grammar for second language acquisition, it is believed that universal grammar is available, especially for lower grades pupils. In recent years, Universal Grammar made considerable strides in the applied research of second language acquisition in China. This paper begins with the introduction of principle and parameters theory of UG and then it explores the features of English learning for Chinese lower grades students. Hence, implications of English teaching for lower grades students are concluded based on that. During the research process, survey is carried out among teachers of lower grades students in nearby schools. The results revealed that lower grades pupils (1) have a sound grasp of Chinese;(2) have a limited input of English;(3)have a much shorter attention span;(4)pay less attention to grammaticality. Based on that, implications on teaching English could be made which include (1)to use Chinese appropriately and apply contrast analysis to promote English learning;(2)to increase the input of English and advance practice;(3)to shorten the class duration and organize more activities;(4)to pay more attention to apply Chinese to the explanation of English grammar.

Key words: Universal Grammar; English teaching; lower grades students

