
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要

    《绿山墙的安妮》是加拿大著名的文学作家露西•莫德•蒙哥马利一部描述童年生活的小说,百年来深受世界各地读者的喜爱。此书的出版不仅照亮了一个时代加拿大人的心灵,而且使得加拿大本土文学在世界文坛上占有一席之地。当时文学界对其褒贬不一,探讨甚少。直到 20 世纪 70、80 年代,对《绿山墙的安妮》的探讨才不断兴盛起来,英语论文,人们开始从女性主义、教育、宗教等角度对之进行了评论。著作中体现女性成长角度特征可以充分地解释该部著作经久不衰、受到普遍青睐的原因。通过对小说的主人公安妮的性格进行剖析,简要地略论主人公安妮的成长之路: 无知(独立,英语毕业论文,对传统叛逆) --诱惑(对知识的渴望) --离家出走(去女王专修学校学习) --考验(上大学还是留在绿山墙)--迷惘(实现理想还是遵守道德) --顿悟(留在绿山墙,承担家庭责任) --认识自我(成熟)。她如何通过自己不断的努力, 在与朋友的交往中, 在面对镜中的自己,在固执地维护自己的名字,在与绿山墙农舍的密切联系中,不断地认识自我,不断地成熟起来。本文主要从以下几方面来论述的:作者写作的社会背景、女性成长的时代背景、安妮成长的条件和过程、安妮性格魅力与成长过程的联系。由此得出结论:安妮性格中充满乐观精神的想象力和对生活的惊奇感是她拥有的两种极其宝贵的财富,她的成长故事将会激励更多人的成长。



Anne of Green Gables is a childhood description novel by famous Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery, which enjoys popularity all over the world. Its publication lightened the spirit of Canadians of that age, giving a place to Canadian native literature in the literary world. It received both appreciation and criticism, but few researches then. Until 1970s and 1980s, the studies and comments on Anne of Green Gables began to bloom from the perspectives of feminism, education and religion, etc. From the perspective of female bildunsroman we can tell the reason why the work won enduring popularity. Analyzing protagonist Anne’s characteristic to know how she grows up:Innocence (independence, rebellion against tradition)—Temptation (longing for knowledge) —Runaway (study in Queen’s college) —Test (go to university or stay in Green Gables) —Lost (realize dream or obey morality) —Epiphany (stay in Green Gables shoulder the responsibility) —Self-understanding (mature). Through her own continuous effort, it can be known how Anne maintains her dignity during her interaction with her friend and herself in mirror. She continuously knows herself and rapidly matures by the intimate relations with Green Gables. The argument is based on the analysis of the following aspects: author’s social background, historical background of female bildungsroman, the condition and process of Anne’s growth, the relationships between Anne’s personalities and growth. The paper comes to a conclusion: Anne’s personality charm is focused on the two aspects: Anne is full of optimistic imagination and curious about life, which become her two important treasures. Anne’s story will encourage more people in their growth process. 

Key words: Anne of Green Gables; personality; female; bildungsroman
