totalitarianism in George Orwells Animal Farm[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Animal Farm is one of the most influential works in the literary world. It is an allegorical novel written by George Orwell published in England on 17 August 1945. The story describes the brewing, rise and ultimate transformation of an "Animalist" revolution. Orwell reveals its theme of anti-totalitarianism in an obvious way.

The research of the thesis is mainly based on the Animal Farm and its expression of anti-totalitarianism. In the first part, the author makes a brief introduction and literary review of both George Orwell and Animal Farm. The “Utopia” theory is then analyzed in the following part. The author discovers Orwell’s attitude toward the “Utopia” question, and clarifies the dangers of indulging in the myth of Utopia. The author then discusses the definition of totalitarianism and makes a conclusion that the story is inconsistent with the requirements of the totalitarianism. Furthermore, the literary skills are analyzed to enhance the theme of anti- totalitarianism, mainly focusing on the use of symbolism and the use of irony and exaggeration. Then in the last part, the author reviews the points of view mentioned in the essay and explores the question of the recurrence of totalitarianism in history.

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