
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

摘要:语篇教学是阅读教学关键目标。词汇教学应当花费少量时间,选择最佳技法、力争达到较好效果,英语毕业论文,词 汇教学要服从和服务于语篇教学,英语语篇按文体(genre)分为记叙文(narrative) 、 描述文(descri ption)、政论文(argumenta- tion)、释义文(exposition)等。这些文体又分别运用于新闻报道、广告、 法学、文书、学术论文等。因此,阅读文语篇教学,根据文体特点来组织、设计教学,优化教学方案,是较好 的切入口。当前文献中常见的三种阅读理论模式,是从上至下模式、反应--补偿模式。这种模式和框架显得 太宽泛,不易在教学中把握,笔者在教学中将上述模式灵活应用,结合学生心理特点,文体特点,以及“文化 ”内涵,进行了几种教学法的探究,效果良好。语篇教学法的基本教学准则在于阅读文教学应是课内外创设条 件,让学生自我进行语言习得,和教师主导有机结合,英语论文网站,而非传统的紧扣教材教什么内容的问题, 阅读文 中创设条件主要应是课堂训练要有信息差(information gap消除学生对课文理解的不确定性); 训练要准确 ,又要流畅,难易适度,由易到难激发兴趣;制造让学生出错的问题进行重点讲评,而非每错必纠。

(一)整体教学法:文章的主旨大意就是对文章中心思想的理解。文章的教材、取材都依据文章中心。因 此,我们可以抓中心、析标题进行阅读教学,让学生从整体上纵观全文结构和内容。同时,也可以让学生的思 维发散,真正在阅读教学中既能放开又能收笼,既抓大又放小。
①main idea ②title ③topic sentence
模式1、Introduction (present situation)
Background information
Topic sentence......
Body ....................
......supporting detail
short summary
(Prediction) Opinion
Conclusion suggestion solution
recommendation (call for action)
Topic sentence......
Introduction ......supporting detail
......thesis statement
Topic sentence(Maior point one
......supporting detail
Body Topic sentence(Maior point two
......supporting detail
Conclusion short summary
模式3 General introductory remarks
Introduction narrow controlling idea
Topic sentence............
.............supporting detail
......concluding remarks
Conclusion Restatement of controlling idea
中学英语SBⅡ(上)Lesson 34 (Saving the earth)
SBⅡ(上)Lesson 6 No smoking,please写作模式遵循了模式2 进行信息选择,有利于培养独立阅读、独 立写作的能力,至于其他要求便水到渠成。
(二)线索教学法:记叙文(narrative )以记人叙事为主,包括的内容有:个人经历、文学传记、新闻 消息、历史文献及讲述故事的小短文、小说之类。阅读时应抓住几个要素5W+H(Who、When、 Where、Why、W hat、How)
以时间顺序(chronological order)展开的阅读文,例如:
Abraham Lincoln(1809、1818、1860、1864、1865)
Karl Marx(1818、1842、1849、1840s、1853、1870s)
Albert Einstein(1879、1893、1896、1905、1921、1933、1955)
Martin Luther King:(1929、1948、1951、1964、1965、1968)
How a Newspaper is produced 的线索:
The chief editor holds a meating →journalists interviewpeople and write stories → photographers take photos →photographs are quickly developed →Editors check there ports →Editors write the headlines →The newpapers areprinted→the newpapers are delivered
by train and truck
Abraham Lincoln was a strong man, both physically andmentally,He was 1.9 meters.He was thin weighed 81 kilos. Hewas physically powerful and he could lift 180 kilos easily.Hismind a nd body worked steadily ,and he never seemed to tirementally or physically. He was very p lain looking and plainacting. Although his physical appearance and dress made himcommon looki ng ,his actions and decisions were anything butcommon.
作者在这段不仅从外部特征写出林肯体魄强壮,而且通过细节描写,深入到内心世界, 进行表现其坚定的 性格。 教学中可抓住:strongpowerful、steadily、plain looking and plain acting 、 commonlooking
集中表现出perseverance of Abraham Lincoln' s character。
阅读SBI(上)Lesson 2 American English item American English British English words espressions meaning
阅读:SBⅡ(上)Lesson 2 Walt Disncy:
please write notes about Walt disneys life
Born: Cartoon characters:
Died: Became well-known:
Wish: Successes:
阅读:ALbert Einstein
(1) Name:ALbert Einstein Born:
Died: Studied:
Worked: Doctors degree received:
Scientisfic research: Interests:
What he got for his new discovers:
