
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21


Chapter 1 Introduction引言

本论文中,英语论文范文,通过在英语学术期刊文章中对对比性话语标记语的探讨(CDMS),研讨学术期刊论文中的对比联系的使用特点,英语论文范文,以及不同类型的对比联系和使用措施的区别。This thesis, through studying on the contrastive discourse markers (CDMs) inEnglish academic journal articles,  is to explore the features of the use of the contrastrelation in academic journal articles, as well as distinctions on the use of differenttypes of contrast relations.

1.1 Research background探讨背景
The contrast relation is one category of clause relation which indicatescontrastive relation between clauses or sentences. Therefore, before investigating intocontrast relation, first it is necessary to have a good knowledge of clause relation.Eugene O. Winter is the most prominent scholar in studying clause relations. He givesdefinitions of clause relation from a cognitive view (Winter, 1971). According to him,clause relation functions between two sentence segments, when the understanding ofone sentence to some extent depends on the understanding of the other one. FollowingWinter, Hoey (1983) and other scholars have also conducted their research on clauserelation (or termed as semantic relation, et al). Contrast relation can be divided intodifferent sub-categories by different scholars (Winter 1971; Halliday and Hasan 1976).The research of contrast relation by the predecessors provides the theoreticalframework of this thesis paper.Contrast relations are normally realized by different contrastive discoursemarkers (CDMs), such as but, yet, however which have overt contrastive meanings, orand, on the other hand, anyhow, which indicate contrasting meaning covertly.Sometimes, the differences among them in syntax and semantics are quite subtle.Therefore, the contrast meaning needs deeper exploration to differentiate theirindividual connotative meaning so as to identify and classify the contrast relations. Asone group of discourse markers (DMs), they have drawn some attention fromlinguistic scholars. Many researches have been done on various discourse markers.Some prominent works on DMs are Discourse Markers by Schiffrin (1987), Types ofEnglish Discourse Markers by Fraser (1988), Discourse Marker by Schourup (1987),Discourse Connectives in English by Warner (1985) and others. Researches focusingonly on contrastive discourse markers are fewer. Fraser (1997) wrote a particular bookabout CDMs, which described and explained contrastive DMs in a more systematicway. In Halliday and Hasan's (1976) Cohesion in English and Hoey (2017) Patternsof Lexis in Text, particular chapters are used to discuss about CDs. Generally speaking,CDMs function as connectives between sentence segments in the discourse to indicatemeaning transition or meaning opposition both overtly and covertly. CDMs arealways mentioned and researched as a part under the broad concept " discoursemarkers". Not many researches only focus on this particular group of words.Neither the studies on clause relation or the research on CDMs are conductedbased on a particular writing genre. And they are separate studies, even thoughcontrast relation and CDMs are closely related. Therefore, this thesis paper aims toexplore the contrast relation in academic journal articles by studying the CDMs so asto conclude the features of contrast relation used in academic writings.
