Chapter 1 Introduction引言
1.1 The Background and Objectives of This thesis论文的探讨背景
传统上,隐喻被普遍地作为一种图的言论。然而,认知科学的外观象征着一种新的方式理解的概念隐喻。由于勒关闭,英语论文题目,约翰的儿子(1980)指出,的比喻ispervasive在我们的日常生活中,不仅在语言上,而且在我们的思想和行动。我们的普通概念系统,在中,我们都认为和行动的方式,基本上是隐喻的性质Traditionally, metaphor was pervasively taken as a sort of figure of speech.However, the appearance of cognitive science symbolized a new way of understandingthe notion of metaphor. As Lakoff and Johnson (1980) pointed out, metaphor ispervasive in our everyday life, not only in language, but also in our thought and action.Our ordinary conceptual system, in terms of the way in which we both think and act, isfundamentally metaphorical in nature. So there should be no exception in Englishwriting, because English writing is also a kind of thinking and acting.As for writing, an important skill for the students, it has always gained lessattention than grammar or vocabulary. Flower and Hayes (1981) claimed that writersused a combination of cognitive processes, which came to the foreground when needed.Further, they suggested that there was a hierarchical structure to these processes. Andchanging levels of goals were key aspects of the writing processes. In addition, theybelieved their cognitive process theory of writing demonstrated that the act of creationwas fed and sustained by the ever-changing imagination, art, and goals of the writer.And traditionally, in the teaching of English writing, the process-based andproduct-based approaches were widely used (Yu Fei & Zhang Huifen, 1996: 104-108).On the one hand, the process-based approach, which was put forward by Graves in thelate 1960s and early 1970s, only emphasizing the processes of writing in which thestudents constructed their writing based on constructivism and cognitive psychology,was far from perfect. For example, Zamel (1982) claimed that methods that onlyemphasized correctness and form but ignored how idea got explored through writingfailed to teach the students that writing was essentially a process of discovery. AndHorowitz (1986) concluded four disadvantages of the process-oriented approach, andalso claimed that this kind of approach was just a collection of teaching techniques.On the other hand, Brookes and Grundy (2017) argued that the product-basedapproach, in which some teachers asked the students to produce a series of productsand hoped that constant repetition with the help of careful marking and assessmentwould finally result in acceptable products. That is to say, in this kind of approach, theteachers only pay attention to what the students have written down, but ignore how thisproduct comes out, and what is going on in the students’ mind in the act of writing. In aword, with the process-based and product-based approaches, even though there havebeen some improvements in the students’ writing, the improvements are not soprominent.Meanwhile, a number of studies were carried out by language teachers andresearchers from various aspects. In this thesis, the researcher tries to apply conceptualmetaphor theory to the teaching of English writing. And the researcher also makes aseven-step teaching design with the purpose to answer three research questions, basedon an experimental study of 56 students from Chongqing Normal University ForeignTrade and Business College Art Departme,英语论文题目