
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

1.1 Background of the Study
With the arrival of the 21st century and globalization, English is more and more widelyused. Especially in China, many changes have taken place in the whole country in recentdecades. To face those changes and challenges, China has sticking to its reform and openingpolicy. China can communicate with the world frequently. English has become the mostuseful language in every area of people’s life. In various foreign business activities, lots ofcommercial letters are written in English. Because of this, for the basic education, lots ofcountries take English as a most important part of citizen’s quality education, and put it in aprominent position. For China, English is the most useful language to improve the wholenation’s development. Chinese students should not ignore the study of English. English is atool for communication. So we should focus on the use of English. We should let the studentslearn how to use the language in a right way rather than many grammar points. In facing this,our nation should capture more attention to the foundational education in English, especiallyfor the children and young people.Because of the importance and the use of English, our government began to pay moreattention to the elementary and secondary education in English. The education departmentwould focus on the English basic education in our nation. The local government also responseto the government policy to improve the teaching levels of English class, especially in thepoor and backward areas. In China, English is a foreign language not the second language.We do not have enough environment to let the students speak the target language. Theclassroom became the major place to practice the students’ oral English. In the newcurriculum reform, we began to focus on the student-centered teaching rather thanteacher-centered teaching. In our teaching process, we pay greater attention to the interactionbetween teachers and students and the interaction between students and students. In our class,the teacher should strengthen the interaction among students.

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
The thesis mainly studies the teacher behaviors and interactions between teachers andstudents. We choose two middle schools in Yuncheng City. One is in the urban city and theother one is in country-side. Each school we choose two teachers to do the research. Throughcareful watching and analyzing teaching videos, we observe the teaching behaviors in thenormal class and interactions in the class between teacher and students. Specifically, thestudy’s purpose is to solve the following questions: who is the center the class, the teacher orthe students; how does the teacher influence the students, directly or indirectly, what theinteraction model is in the reading class in senior high school.Classroom interaction research has been the attention of the linguists at home and abroad,especially classroom interaction model analysis research gives the attentions to the linguistsand education experts. However, in the high school classroom interaction research is still in arelatively moderate stage. The study focuses on high school English reading classroominteraction between teachers and students. Research pays attention to interaction betweenteachers and students in high sc,英语论文英语论文题目
