
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

摘 要:随着全球经济合作的加强,撰写严谨、准确、规范的国际经贸合同日益受到重视。本文试从语体学的角度对一份国际经贸合同进行实证略论,以总结合同的语体特征。 在不同的社会活动领域内进行交际时,由于不同的交际环境,就形成了一系列应用语言材料的特点,这就是言语的功能变体,简称语体。(王德春,1987:11) 由于社会交际的需要,人们常在类似的语境中完成某一特定的交际任务。例如在国际贸易中,有成交意向的买卖双方为了说明交易各方的责任和利益而签订合同,这类交际形式多次重复,就会形成一种语境类型。 按照黎运汉对文体的分类,合同属于运用语体当中的公文事物语体。(黎运汉,1989:36)事物语体是适合于公众事物领域有特定公文程式的话语。其语言特征表现为话语表达有既定的格式,行文具有逻辑性,措词严谨,应用大量的专业词语,力求精准、明晰,杜绝表达中可能出现的歧义现象,排斥感情色彩的词语,句法严密完整,英语论文,形成客观、正式、严谨的语言风格。 中国加入了世贸组织,国际上普遍采用合同制度。为避免因歧义而产生经济纠纷,或在纠纷发生时按照法学程序解决问题,英语论文范文,这就要求在起草国际经贸合同时要深入了解合同的语体特征,做到严谨规范、准确到位。 本文试从语体学的角度对一份国际经贸合同进行略论, 以总结合同的语体特征。例文如下(见吴明忠1990): SOLE AGENCY AGREEMENT No. ………. Guangzhou, 10th April, 2017 This agreement is made and entered into by and between the China National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Import & Export Corporation (hereinafter called Party A) and ……Co. (hereinafter called Party B) whereby Party A agrees to appoint Party B as the Sole Agent in the territory of the United Kingdom for the under mentioned Sauce on the terms and conditions stipulated as follows: 1.Commodity: “Pearl River Bridge” Brand Superior Soy 24 bottles * 750 grams. 2.Territory: The territory covered by this agreement is confined to the United Kingdom only. 3.Duration: This agreement is to remain valid for a period of one year commencing from ……and terminating on …… and shall automatically become null and void at the expiration of the said period if not extended by mutual agreement. If either party considers it necessary to extend the agreement, the proposing party shall notify the other party two months prior to its expiration. 4.Quantity: Party A shall supply and Party B will purchase ……cartons of the above mentioned goods. 5.Price: The price is to be negotiated by both parties on each transaction. 6.Commission: For each transaction, Party A shall allow Party B ……% discount on the basis of C & F London (that is ……% for commission and ……% for propaganda). 7.Insurance: To be effected by Party B. 8.Terms of Payment: By means of an irrevocable, confirmed L/C payable by draft at 30 days sight. 9.Rights and Obligations: Party A agrees not to make any offer to other buyers in the United Kingdom during the validity of this agreement (but party A has to deliver the balance of the quantity of the contracted goods sold before this agreement to other clients in U.K). Party B guarantees not to sell or represent the same or similar products of other origins and shall submit to Party A quarterly a market report covering such information as imports and sales of this commodity in the United Kingdom together with their quality, packing, etc. 10.Apart from the above mentioned, both parties shall carry out the terms and conditions stated in the Sales Contracts. Party A Party B China National Cereals, Oils & ******* Foodstuffs Imp. & Exp. Corp. Pegamoid Road, London P. O. BOX No. 69, N18 2NG, England Guangzhou, China 这是一份程式化的独家代理协议, 是典型的国际经贸合同语体。本文将从格式,遣词、造句、布局版式等方面对上述协议进行略论。 国际经贸合同是缔约双方对享有的权利、必须履行的职责和义务的契约性书面文件,具有严格的法学效力。根据不同的标的,国际经贸合同有商品购买合同、包销代理合同、加工贸易合同、补偿贸易合同、国际租赁合同、劳务出口合同、承包工程合同、技术贸易合同等。条款内容不同,但格式基本上是一致的。 合同一般由约首、正文、约尾三个部分构成。约首包括合同的名称、签约双方当事人的名称和地址、合同编号及合同序言;正文是合同的主体部分,它具体明确地列出双方同意的各项条件或条款,这些条款规定了双方当事人的权利和义务,对双方均具约束力;约尾包括双方的签署及订约的时间、地点和生效日期,合同的附件、份数及使用的文字和文本等。 国际经贸合同在词汇方面的特征表现为用词严谨规范,多用术语,而且经常出现一词多义现象。首先,用词精确就体现在上述协议里。合同所具有的法学效力要求合同的措辞严谨精当,以免因此造成日后的经济纠纷。因此国际经贸合同大量使用正式词汇或法学词汇。 例1 大量使用shall,短短
