21世纪的社会和经济成长对人才本质提出了新的请求,而作为人才的塑造者、教导的实行者的教员本质,则加倍直接作用到将来教导的成长和人才本质的晋升。小学阶段是正轨进修的一个终点,人的根本世界不雅、人生不雅、价值不雅初步构成,认识、智力、思想等第一次奔腾式成长,生涯立场、处事措施等开端构成。是以,小学教员对人的生长和人生途径的选择有侧重要的作用。中韩两都城非常看重小学教员职后培训,把进步教员专业化程度作为教员培训任务的焦点义务,从本国国情动身采用一系列的政策办法,赓续完美两国小学教员职后培训系统,增强教员培训质量,推进教员专业化成长和晋升教员的本质。中国与韩国固然说话欠亨,但地缘文明邻近,同属于西南亚孔教文明圈,有着配合的汗青文明配景,其教员职后培训的成长过程也较为类似,这是比拟中韩两国教员职后培训的基本。是以,对中韩两国小学教员职后培训系统停止比拟研究,卖力总结韩国小学教员职后培训成长的胜利经历,对中国小学教员职后教导改造的进一步深刻,丰硕和完美中国教员职后培训系统有侧重要的意义。本文彩用文献法与比拟剖析法,对中韩两国小学教员职后培训系统停止周全的剖析与比拟。本文起首,论述教员职后培训的实际基本,其次,分离说明中韩两国的小学教员职后培训系统;最初停止比拟,剖析两国在小学教员培训系统方面的差异,韩语论文网站,并提出了韩国小学教员职后培训对中国的启发。经由过程比拟剖析发明,在小学教员职后培训目的上中韩两都城是以成长教员专业化、进步教员本质为目的,但中国更着重于进步小学教员的思惟政治与职业品德本质,韩国则重视进步小学教员的人文本质;在培训机构上中国与韩都城有专门的教员培训机构,在中国对处所的各级教导学院而言只要培训对象的辨别,没有培训类型的差别,而韩国的绝年夜部门附设在高级黉舍;在培训情势上,中国与韩都城采用多样的培训情势,但韩国的培训情势、办法上更重视理论性;培训内容上中国重视教员根本功与实际性常识,韩语论文网站,今朝没有全国同一的小学教员职后培训课程尺度,韩国不是特殊看重教员职业品德方面的看重,看重教员的人文素养、教导理论常识,针对分歧的培训对象划定了明白的资历培训课程尺度;在培训评价上,中国与韩国在培训评价方面都实施学分挂号治理,但中国的学分挂号轨制流于情势,而韩国的学分挂号轨制异常完美,而且与升级、评职称有直接挂钩;在政策律例方面,中韩两国小学教员职后培训相干的政策律例系统均已构成,但中国较笼统、微观,而韩国从中心到处所构成了较完全的政策律例系统与响应的保证轨制系统。笔者以为,韩国的小学教员职后培训在政策律例和规章轨制的完美、资历培训品种的多样化、课程内容与培训情势的立异、进步教员介入培训的自动性与积极性等方面临中国的小学教员职后培训系统的改造与完美具有必定的启发感化。 Abstract: In the 21st century, the social and economic development of talent essence of the new request, and as the shaping of talents, the teachings of the implementation of the quality of teachers, double the direct impact to the future of education development and the quality of talent promotion. Primary stage is on track to learn a end, fundamental human world indecent indecent, life value, initial formation, understanding, intelligence, thought ranking a galloping growth, career position, and ways of doing things begin to form. The primary school teachers have an important influence on the choice of the growth and the way of life. Two capitals of China and South Korea thinks highly of the primary school teachers of vocational training, the progress of teacher specialization degree focus obligations as tasks of teachers training, set out from the situation of our country by a series of policies and measures, continuously perfect the two primary school teachers vocational training system, enhance the quality of teacher training, promoting teacher professional development and teacher promotion essence. China and South Korea of course speak owe Heng, but geo civilizational adjacent, belong to the South West of the Confucian cultural circle, with historical and cultural background, the teachers in post training of the growth process is also similar. This is compared to China and South Korea teacher vocational training of basic. Is victory in the Sino Korean primary school teacher post training system to carry on the comparison research, hard to summarize the Korean primary school teacher post after training to grow the experience, of Chinese primary school teachers in-service education reform of further deep, rich and perfect Chinese teachers in post training system have focused on significance. This paper uses the literature method and comparative analysis method to analyze and compare the post training system of primary school teachers in China and Korea. This paper, discusses teacher in-service training of practical basic, and secondly, that China and South Korea's primary school teachers in post training system; originally, compared analysis between the two countries in the primary school teacher training system similarities and differences, and puts forward the Korean primary school teachers vocational training of China's inspiration. Through the comparative analysis method, in the primary school teachers in-service training to China and South Korea is the capital of two to grow teacher specialization, the quality of teachers for the purpose of progress, but China focuses more on the progress of primary school teachers of Ideological and political and moral occupation essence, South Korea attaches great importance to humanistic nature of the progress of primary school teachers; training institutions in the capital of China and Han Faculty of specialized training institutions, in China on premises at all levels to teach school as long as the training object discrimination, no training types differ, while South Korea's most senior school attached; in the training situation, Chinese and ROK adopt various training situation, but South Korea's situation, on the way of training pay more attention to the theory of training content; China teachers basic skills and attention to practical knowledge, there is no country with a primary school teachers in-service training course ruler South Korea, not pay special attention to teacher occupation moral value, knowledge value theory and Teaching Humanities faculty, according to different training objects designated understand qualifications training courses in the training evaluation scale; on Chinese with South Korea in the aspects of training evaluation implementation of credit registration management, but Chinese credit registration system a mere formality, while South Korea's credit registration system perfection, and directly linked with the upgrade, professional title; policies and regulations in China and South Korea, primary school teachers in-service training policies and regulations system are coherent, but China is more general, micro, and South Korea from the center everywhere constitutes a system of policies and regulations guarantee system more complete and response. I think that South Korea's primary school teachers in post training in the policy laws and regulations system perfect, qualifications training varieties diversification, the content of curriculum and training situation of innovation, progress teachers participate in the training initiative and enthusiasm facing Chinese primary school teachers vocational training system reform and perfect with certain inspired action. 目录: |