몽골학생들의 한국유학에 대한 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

A Study on Mongolian Students Studying in Korea Everyone has dreams and goals. The magic key that makes us reach that dream is education. Thousands and thousands of young people are studying abroad to obtain world-standard education and, eventually, ...

A Study on Mongolian Students Studying in Korea Everyone has dreams and goals. The magic key that makes us reach that dream is education. Thousands and thousands of young people are studying abroad to obtain world-standard education and, eventually, contribute to their countries’ development. A research done by the Ministry of Foreign affairs of Mongolia showed that the number one foreign country where which students were choosing to get education was Korea, the number two was Russia, and the third was Turkey. Korea and Mongolia had a relationship from ancient time and after building a diplomatic relationship in 1990 the joint works in the frame of society, economy, and culture of the two countries are developing rapidly. In 2003 only 208 mongolian students were studying in Korea and by 2015 the number has increased to 3,138. The total number of foreign students studying in Korea in 1970 was 321, in 1980 – 1015, in 1990 – 2237, in 2000 – 6160, and today the number has reached until 91,332. Among the foreign students, those from the Asian countries are of the most accounts – by number of 54,214 students, China comes in number one on the list, the second is Vietnam by 4,451 students and Mongolia is in third place by 3,138 students. Especially more and more Mongolian and Vietnamese students are coming to Korea to study. The reason behind these largely increased numbers is tightly connected to the “Study in Korea Project” run by Korean government. In 2004 the project began from the “Study in Korea Project” and continued in 2012 by implementing “Campuc Asia Project” and strategically supported the foreign students’ body. Although there are many researches about the foreign students in Korea, most of them cover only foreign students’ status, satisfactory study, and policy for foreign students. Moreover, most of the researches include only students from countries such as China and Japan and studies on students from other countries are scarce, especially from Mongolia. Researches that realistically analyzed Mongolian students in Korea are extremely rare. In this research, the reason and goal of choosing Korea, choice of profession, expectations before and after studying in Korea, satisfactory study, plan after graduation of Mongolian students who are studying in Korea were covered and this is a basis research of further developing studies which focused on these topics. To briefly mention the result of this research, although many Mongolian students come to Korea right after their high-school graduation, mainly they get their bachelor degree in their country and then come to Korea for their master’s or PhD course. This is because they prefer to obtain their bachelor degree in their mother tongue – Mongolia. Mongolian students chose Korea because Korea provided better quality education and better studying atmosphere, so that, in broader sense, to widen their knowledge and improve themselves. The main hurdles before coming to Korea for them were learning the language and getting accepted for Korean VISA. Moreover, this study showed that, in general, mongolian students are satisfied with their study and life in Korea. However, the majority of the students who participated in the study had no close Korean friend and mainly they befriended students from their own country – Mongolia. After graduation, although there are cases of working in Korea or obtaining higher degrees, most of the students wanted to live and work in their own country.
