베트남 다문화 가정 아동의 이중모음의 음향 특성 : F2 기울기를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

Vietnamese-Korean families and those from Korean families to illustrate the difference in diphthong. The purpose of the study is to provide the basic objective clinic data regarding their articulation error by checking the characteristics of the artic...

Vietnamese-Korean families and those from Korean families to illustrate the difference in diphthong. The purpose of the study is to provide the basic objective clinic data regarding their articulation error by checking the characteristics of the articulation pattern in terms of diphthong.
The study subjects were the 18 children(average age : 7 years and 5 months) from Vietnamese-Korean families edly with no pronunciation problems and 18 children from just Korean families who all live in Daejon and other parts of Chungcheongnam-do. The selected diphthongs were : jɑ, jʌ, jo, ju, jɛ, wɛ, wɑ, ɰi. The subjects were to imitate the target phonemes or to read texts to say /diphthongs/da/. Recorded sound data were to be digitalized by Praat(5.3.60).
When measuring the formant of the diphthong glide sector, the comparatively sensitive F2 slope variable was taken. The difference between the two groups of children was observed from the differentiation slope and the regression slope. The differentiation slope is calculated by dividing the difference between the F2 value at the glide end point and at the start by the amount of time changes. The regression slope compensates for the modification which occurs in the differentiation slope through time, which is an unconsidered factor in calculating the differentiation slope.
First, in case of the two diphthong /jɑ/ and /jʌ/ the two groups of children showed a meaningful difference in the F2 from both the differentiation slope and the regression slope. By comparing and contrasting the diphthong of the Korean language and the Vietnamese language, it was discovered that the counterparts of Korean /jɑ/ and /jo/ did not exist in the Vietnamese language. The diphthong system of the Vietnamese language is different to the Korean on glide in that the off glide shows the characteristics of the mid vowel. This means that the Vietnam-originated mothers are more likely to pronounce such diphthong inaccurately. Therefore, it is deducible that the children from the Vietnamese-Korean families showed a meaningful difference in pronouncing /jɑ/ and /jʌ/ due to the influence of mothers.
Second, the children from the Vietnamese-Korean families tended to have steeper slopes than those of the Korean families. The steeper slopes for F2 indicates larger tongue ROM. The location of tongues when measuring and calculating the diphthong must have been more at the front in the vowel space or more at the back in the vowel space, resulting in the wider range of movement. It is deducible that the Vietnamese-Korean children move their tongues more excessively than the Korean ones.
