문학을 활용한 한국어 은유 교육 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This study has a goal to research that the many aspects of metaphor we use everyday can how be understood by the learners who study Korean as a foreign language. This study is aiming the way understanding our life with metaphor, not just as a rhetoric...

This study has a goal to research that the many aspects of metaphor we use everyday can how be understood by the learners who study Korean as a foreign language. This study is aiming the way understanding our life with metaphor, not just as a rhetorical expression.
The main purpose of this study is, the metaphor is implied based on human experience and how this metaphor is connected with think and language, researching based on the theory of cognitive linguistics. In addition, through this research, connecting with more specific and interesting educational method is the focus of this study, too. Getting out from abstract explanation, this study is going closer to Korean Education using specific explanation and easy-understanding example of real situation. For this reason, this study tried to find the proof from real discourse situation. The reason for choosing the literature as a text, is to let foreign learners experience Korean emotion indirectly. Korean Literature is one of the text that shows the Korean life metaphorically.
The subject of this study is learners in advanced course, to discuss a Korean Education using literature. This study have analyzed metaphorical aspects of emotion expressing based on cognitive linguistical research. Among literature, this study chose a novel that is able to see the emotional aspects in discourse situation, and analyzed metaphor in discourse situation or context. The situation in novel is fictional world based on imagination but this was the text that show the real world metaphorically, so analysis of metaphorical aspect in Chapter 3 is found by example sentences in novels that shows many expressions of emotion. The expression of emotion chosen, is the happiness and joy representing positive expression and sadness and anger, representing negative expression, and this study have analyzed it.
One emotional situation is showing a subtle change in emotion, not just staying in one situation. For example, the emotion of happiness is showing subtle change, as the time goes by, and the internal and external factor worked for the cause of this. Emotional change also accompanies the physical reaction, so it leads to the conclusion; these phenomenon had shown in discourse situation in common, like a pattern.
This study shows that discourse situation in novels are probable situation in reality, which is giving the learners more real and interesting method of studying Korean.
This study have found the Korean education as high quality language education, by understanding metaphor that our lives have melted in, through literature.
This study is the research that found the many ways to understand Korean in the perspective of cognitive linguistics, through metaphor in discourse situation, and also the way to connect this as a educational method to become a practical help for learners, understanding Korean as a foreign language by understanding metaphor that expressing Korean's emotion expression.
Also, focusing on comprehension of metaphor, it can apply to the integral purpose of language education, the activity of language, culture, reading, and writing through Korean literature.
