설화를 활용한 한국어 드라마텍스트 개발방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This study aims to suggest the ways to develop the drama texts utilizing Korean fables in assumption that they could be useful in elementary learner education that connects language and culture. Although Korean fables have passed down by word of mouth...

This study aims to suggest the ways to develop the drama texts utilizing Korean fables in assumption that they could be useful in elementary learner education that connects language and culture. Although Korean fables have passed down by word of mouth, they have complete themes and stories, even implying the nature of the timeless culture. Therefore, from words based on the culture to idiomatic expressions, the terms are helpful in gaining Korean cultural background knowledge. The Korean fables can be provided as literary texts and cultural background for Korean learners. Especially, they would be better achievements in the case that applied them in actual T.I.E classes. At that time, it is no wonder that they need to be adapted as the drama texts.
In Chapter Ⅰ, for the purpose of this study, the literary texts with cultural education were discussed by several pilot studies and the problems of T.I.E in Korean language education were examined as well .
In Chapter Ⅱ, the nature and function of the Korean fables’ was identified and the educational meaning of theirs was discussed as well. Furthermore, a selection criteria and reconstruction measure was suggested to heighten the activity frequency as cultural education texts for Korean language education.
Chapter Ⅲ looked at T.I.E relaring to Korean language education. The concept of T.I.E was identified and the achievement of Korean education by applying T.I.E was also discussed. Furthermore, an activity criteria and reconstruction plan for T.I.E was established and on the basis of them, the efficacy of T.I.E in Korean language class was presented totally.
Chapter Ⅳ discussed an applicable texts of Korean language class by dividing as the text selection criteria and standard-setting of activities according to the discussion of the previous chapters. A Korean fable entitled <Red-bean Grandma and Tiger> was selected and developed as a good drama text. Then, a model lesson plan was also proposed by applying to the dramatized <Red-bean Grandma and Tiger>.
The findings such as the dramatized work and lesson plan need to be evaluated by results of the questionnaire things, but for me, I’m proud of my new attempt in this field.
