위키기반 한국어 작문학습에서 개별학습과 협동학습의 효과-외국 학습자 대상으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this study was to examine effects of Korean composition study between individual and cooperative learning on Wiki-based learning environments for foreign learners. The participants of this study were 12 foreign students who were studyin...

The purpose of this study was to examine effects of Korean composition study between individual and cooperative learning on Wiki-based learning environments for foreign learners. The participants of this study were 12 foreign students who were studying in the middle level of Korean language. In this Wiki-based Korean composition study, 4 students, who performed the individual composition study, and 8 students, who performed the cooperative composition study, have accomplished the composition tasks through the 'spring-note'.
According to the composition evaluation guidelines, the collected data were analyzed into their content, organization and expression. The students' satisfaction degree to Wiki-based composition study was rated with Likert-type rating scale. A couple of conclusions drawn from results and discussion were as follows:
One showed that there was no significant difference between individual learning and cooperative learning on Korean language composition study for foreign students in Wiki-based learning environments. Another showed that the students have more satisfied with individual learning than cooperative learning in the Wiki-based composition study.
Further research from this study will be suggested. First, it is necessary to conduct research on learning effects of different learners and composition topics. Second, various models might be developed in Wiki-based composition study. And third, it is possible to do research on different languages for individual learning and cooperative learning in Wiki-based composition study.
