한국어 부정 극어와 부정소의 호응 양상 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The goal of this thesis to list the existing Negative Polarity Items(NPI) in current Korean, and present the specific aspects of co-occurence of NPI and Negators. In the thesis, all the entry words in 『Great Standard Korean Dictionary』 and 『Yeo...

The goal of this thesis to list the existing Negative Polarity Items(NPI) in current Korean, and present the specific aspects of co-occurence of NPI and Negators.
In the thesis, all the entry words in 『Great Standard Korean Dictionary』 and 『Yeonsae Korean Dictionary』 were examined. As a result, NPI could be found in all the parts of speech. 39 nouns, 3 pronouns, 1 numeral(in Korean only), 39 verbs, 26 adjectives, 59 adverbs, 5 pre-nouns(in Korean only), 2 interjections, 5 postpositions(in Korean only) could be selected.
The second chapter deals with NPI and Negators. A sentence must have Negators in it to accept NPI. Negators to licence NPI limits to 'ani', 'mot', 'anida', 'eopda', and 'moreuda'.
The third chapter focuses on aspects of co-occurence of NPI and Negators having been selected from Chapter 2 specifically with examples. The definition of NPI follows the dictionary, but to understand the aspects of actual use of them, examples from corpus of Korean were used.
Through the process, characteristics by part of speech in aspects of co-occurrence of individual NPI and Negators could be discovered. The substantives overwhelmingly co-occurred with 'eopda'. They showed a collective structure in that they mainly co-occur with ‘eupda’ requesting a special investigation. The verb also more often co-occurred with ‘ani’ and ‘eopda’ than with ‘mot’, ‘malda’ and ‘anida’. In co-occurring with one Negator, they did not co-occur with ‘moreuda’ and ‘anida’. Unlike the substantives, they seldom co-occur with ‘moreuda'. Modifying words were used most freely because they are in a special category, but showed limitation of co-occurring with Negatos due to the traits of senses of individual NPI. Also in modifying words, 'ani' and 'eupda' were used a lot at a similar frequency. In relational and independent words, NPI were used only under particular circumstances.
The aspects of co-occurence of the whole NPI and Negators are summarized as follows in order of frequency: 'upda'(138), 'ani'(127), ‘mot'(88), anida'(61), 'malda'(52) and 'moreuda'(39).
‘Ani' and 'eupda' are used most frequently. Even in co-occurring with one Negators, 'ani' and 'eupda' were possible in co-occurrence. Exclusive of a few particular exceptions, 'malda' and 'ani' shared co-occurrence. 'Anida' and 'an' also could share co-occurrence. The findings show that ‘ani' and 'eupda' of Negators play a pivotal role in licensing NPI.
