
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:采用问卷、课堂观察和访谈相结合对英国伦敦附近六所中学192名中学生的汉语、法语和德语三种外语学习策略使用情况进行调查探讨。结果表明英国中学生使用最多的是社交和母语依赖策略而使用最少的是记忆和情感策略;在相同文化背景不同语种外语学习者策略选用存在异同,法语论文法语论文,策略选用性别异同不显著,但和外语学习时间长短相关。With the combination of questionnaire, in-class observation and interview, a research has been conducted on foreign language learning strategies used by 192 Mandarin, French and German learners from 6 British middle schools around London. The results show that British middle school students'favorite foreign language learning strategies are social and mother tongue transfer strategies and the least favorite is affective and memory strategies. The results also show that under the same culture background, differ- ences in strategy selection do exist between different language learners. The differences between genders are not significant but correlated with the length of learning.
