德国后现代主义作家博托•斯特劳斯 博托•斯特劳斯(Botho Strauº) 1944 年生于德国瑙姆堡,曾在科隆和慕尼黑学习日耳曼语言文学、社会学和戏剧史,他对于托马斯•曼和戏剧的论文虽然未能最终完成,但是科班经历给了他理论上的沉淀和锐气。大学期间他还在慕尼黑市内剧院担任群众演员,加上之后丰富的舞台实践使他不拘泥于文字,赋予表演、舞美和灯光言说的表现力。他先在《今日戏剧》杂志担任编辑并撰写剧评,在作为剧作家引起文坛关注之前,就被称作敏锐的知识分子和批评家。1970 年至1975 年他在西柏林的彼得•斯坦话剧院担任编剧,参与了一系列剧作的翻译和重新编排,包括易卜生的《培尔•金特》、克莱斯特的《洪堡王子》、高尔基的《避暑客》等。1976 年他上演的第一部自己的著作《臆病患者》是其创作生涯的一个重要转折点,从此博托•斯特劳斯就开始了笔耕不辍的创作。1977 年获得席勒奖,1989 年获毕希纳奖,2001 年获莱辛奖。如今他的15 个舞台剧被列为德国当代最成功并且被上演最多的剧目。 The diaphragm is between people early plays strauss (s and s) works of important motif, it not only embodies in stage between characters and events of isolation and relationship between chaos, and reflect on stage and between the audience by the effect and obscure defamiliarization. The chest disease "in, love, detective, crime, terrorism and family ethics by some clues disorder entwined. Bo, no attempt to strauss's in these isolated plots in search for association, on the contrary, he put the plays as mystery plot as mount in there, that they can't use a single the Angle of view of causality to interpretation. He's the second film comedy the familiar faces; mixed emotions describes seven hotel guests of emptiness of chaos daily reality, with a naturalistic style in the scene, the characters are put in a surreal dreams of events. Fantasy and reality, experience and dreams with together, a tiny details will be abruptly with etiquette between people detonated repressed hatred and ignored. These guests imagine a simple not be disseminated world, but at the end of the confusion in the end. Critics think strauss's early works such as "the hysteria patient" and "the familiar faces; mixed emotions" by brown and jehiel and shaw lal influence. In the reunion trilogy "the 3" good relations "in 17 actors play in different identity, should the curator moritz to go to watch painting exhibition, the character pattern crisscross, they both dialogue between the desire, and exclusion and avoid, full of tongue-tied, good thought and mutual misunderstanding,. Strauss borrow moritz mouths exhibition of lack of correlation, he doubted whether there is a c,德语论文范文,德语论文 |