
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李丹蕊 LI Dan-rui (Tianjin Foreign Studies University,Tianjin 300381,China)


出  处:《教育教学论坛》2017年第49期131-133,共3页

摘  要:通过对中级中国日语学习者的作文考察,试就结构联系误用原因做出几点推想。①“最大港湾”和“赘成理由”等由日语汉字词构成的状态性修饰词的误用日语论文题目,除与学习者避繁就简的心理有关外,与“友好都市”等固定短语的结构模式作用也不容忽视。②语序决定一切的汉语习惯思维的负迁移是造成“接绕表现”缺失的主要原因。③不规范“监列表现”的多样化呈现与汉语排比修辞法结构模式的负迁移大有关联。By researching on the composition of intermediate Chinese learners of Japanese,try the misuse of reasonof structural relationships make some suppose. (1) "the biggest harbor" and "in favor of reason" made up of Chinesewords in Japanese state such as the modifier of misuse,in addition to the associated with the psychology of learners avoidnumerous is brief, and the structure of fixed phrases such as "friendly city" pattern influence also nots allow to ignore.@the word order is everything the Chinese habit of thinking of the negative transfer is the main cause of absence "in theword".(2) specification "and" the diversity of the rendering and Chinese parallelism rhetoric method,structural pattern ofnegative transfer of great relevance.

关 键 词:结构联系的母语负迁移 “接绕表现”的缺失 误用略论 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
