
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:候婷婷[1] HOU Ting-ting ( Jincheng Institute of Technology, Jincheng, Shanxi 048026, China)


出  处:《晋城职业技术大学学报》2017年第4期60-62,共3页Journal of Jincheng Institute of technology

摘  要:日语中的授受动词不仅是教学难点,也是日常交流中使用出错频率较高的词.接触过日本文化的人都知道,“内外意识”是日本文化的显著特点之一.笔者在多年日语授受动词这一语法点的使用略论中,将日本人的“恩惠意识”及“内外意识”这一文化特点与其有机结合,使学生最大程度理解授受动词使用的基本准则,既减少误用,也对日本的内外意识文化加强了认识.Japanese verbs are teaching difficult points,and are usually wrongly used in people's daily life. As we know, Inner and outer consciousness is one of important characteristics of Japanese culture.Based on the author's teaching experience,by combining Japanese favor consciousness and Inner and outer consciousness, the author tries to make the students understand the principle of verbs. It can reduce misusing of verbs, and promote the awareness of Japanese inner and outer consciousness.

关 键 词:授受动词 

分 类 号:G712[文化科学—职业技术教育学;文化科学—教育学]
