
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:宋雪梅[1] 张冰[2] SONG Xue--mei, ZHANG Bing (1. School of Foreign Languages, Sichuan University of Science & Engineering, Zigong, Sichuan, 643000; 2. Library of Jilin Normal University, Siping, Jilin 136000)

机构地区:[1]四川理工大学外语大学,四川自贡643000 [2]吉林师范学院图书馆,吉林四平136000

出  处:《嘉兴大学学报》2017年第1期 122-126,共5页Journal of Jiaxing College

摘  要:近代,随着第一次留日浪潮的兴起,日语词汇伴随着留学生译书热大举登陆,“倒流”华夏,国人译语亦未能与日人译语相抗衡。这些日语词汇大大丰富了汉语系统。中日邦交正常化特别是改革开放后,两国文化领域交流频繁,日语论文,日语词汇再一次跨越国境,融入到汉语之中,日语论文题目,而此次日语词汇的输入却渗透出中国文化创造力的低迷。During came into the Chinese modern times, as the trend to study in Japan became prosperous, Japanese vocabularies language with the overseas students' enthusiasm in translation. In this kind of situation, the translation skills of Chinese scholars were lower than those of their Japanese counterparts. And the Japanese vocabularies enriched the Chinese language system greatly. After the normalization of Sino--Japan diplomatic relations, especially the reform and opening up, frequent cultural exchanges took place between China and Ja- pan. Japanese vocabularies were once again integrated into the Chinese language system. However, this phe- nomenon indicates the slumps of cultural creativity in China.

关 键 词:现代汉语 日语词汇 留日潮 文字发展 

分 类 号:H363.3[语言文字—日语]
