
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:许慈惠[1] 杨敬[2] Xu Cihui College of Japanese culture and economy,Shanghai International Studies University Yang Jing School of Foreign Languages,East China Normal University

机构地区:[1]上海外国语学院 [2]华东师范学院

出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第1期1-6,共6页

摘  要:本文试考察日语「名词+を+动词」结构中,动词对「を」格名词的他动性强弱问题及其种类。动词对「を」格名词的他动性因他动词本身的语义特征和它所影响的对象物的语义特征而有强弱之分。在此意义上,日语界传统观点,即"场所名词+を+主体移动动词"结构中的动词为自动词,是值得商榷的。本文认为主体移动动词影响的是"空间"而非"场所"。主体移动动词对「を」格空间名词的影响也是一种他动影响,只是其他动性较弱而已。This paper attempts to study the intensity and the types of verb transitivity to the noun case of wo in the Japanese structure"noun+wo+verb".The intensity of verb transitivity to wo varies in a large degree because of the semantics properties of the verb itself and the semantic properties of its objects.In light of this,the traditional view,which holds that verbs in"time-space noun + wo + movement verb"structure are intransitive,proves to be controversial.This paper concludes that the predication of movement verbs impose on time-space nouns followed by wo is another type of transitivity,but relatively weak.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H364[语言文字—日语]
