
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李菁博[1,2] LI Jing-bo( University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beifing, 100049, China)

机构地区:[1]中国科大学自然科学史探讨所,北京100190 [2]中国科大学学院,北京100049

出  处:《中华医史杂志》2017年第3期149-153,共5页China Journal of Medical History

摘  要:始载于《救荒本草》的山扁豆的原植物,在明清时期是黄芪属植物,如糙叶黄芪和扁茎黄芪等。而19世纪日本学者将决明属的含羞草决明定名为山扁豆,并在中日两国植物学界沿用至今。这个“张冠李戴”给植物学、中药学界造成混乱。中国植物学界对日语植物汉名的借鉴有利有弊,应注意力避弊端。建议加强对糙叶黄芪、含羞草决明医疗保健价值的探讨与开发,力争为中国医药卫生事业做出贡献。The original plants of Shan biandou, first seen in Jiu huang ben cao ( Materia Medica for Relief of Famines) , include the plants of Astragalusgenus, such as A. scaberrimus and/or A. complanatus in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. But Cassia mimosoides was named as Shan biandou by Japanese scholars in the 19th century. This mistaken identification and misnaming, still in use today in Chinese and Japanese circles of botany and materia medica, did cause some confusion. The merits and demerits of using the plant names in Chinese characters from the Japanese language by Chinese botanists were analyzed, the disadvan-tages of which should be well avoided. Because of the vicissitude in the names of plants and Chinese herbs, it is necessary to strengthen the study and develop the significant value of A. complanatus and C. mi-mosoides in health care so as to promote its contributions to the cause of TCM.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:R921.2[医药卫生—药学]
