
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:尹雪飞[1] YIN Xue-fei ( Personnel Department, Wuxi Institute of Commerce, Wuxi, 2141532, China)


出  处:《无锡商业职业技术大学学报》2017年第6期80-83,共4页Journal of Vocational Institute of Commercial Technology

基  金:江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金指导项目(2017SJD740034)

摘  要:中日两国同属汉字文化圈,日语中的词汇主要由和语词汇汉语词汇和外来语词汇组成。汉语词汇的存在对以汉语为母语的学习者日语学习中产生了很大的正迁移作用,但同时也不可避免的产生了负迁移作用。文章从汉语词汇的词性、词汇搭配、同形异义词的误用以及汉语词汇与和语词汇、外来语词汇的混用四方面入手,略论学习者在汉语词汇使用过程中产生的偏误,总结日语学习中汉语的负迁移作用。Both China and Japan belong to the cultural circle of Chinese characters, and the Japanese lexicon is mainly composed of Japanese words, Chinese words and loan words from other languages. Although Chinese words have a great positive transfer influence on the Japanese- learners whose mother tongue is Chinese, they also have a negative transfer effect. This paper analyzes the errors committed by the Japanese-learners when they use the Chinese words and summarizes the negative transfer influence from the aspects of Chinese words' part of speech, lexical collocation and the misuse of homonyms, as well as the mixture of Japanese, Chinese and foreign words.

关 键 词:汉语词汇 负迁移 误用略论 

分 类 号:H364.1[语言文字—日语]
