
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:周军[1] 隋吉原[1] ZHOU Jun, SUI Ji-yuan (School of Foreign Languages, Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology, Changzhou 213001, China)


出  处:《淮海工大学学报:社会科学版》2017年第11期23-25,共3页Journal of Huaihai Institute of Technology

摘  要:针对近年来日语人才市场存在的结构性矛盾和就业难问题,以在华日资公司为对象,从公司的经营、招聘、用人三个层面进行了略论。由于经营重心发生转变,公司对人才的需求呈现出多样化倾向,这使得公司更注重人才全方位的知识结构和人文内涵,而对单纯的日语翻译人才的需求逐渐降低。因此,日语教育应首先强调语言的基础性,其次要着重培养学习者的多元化发展能力。Referring to the problem of employment difficulty and structural contradictions in the market of Japanese talents, taking the Japanese-funded enterprises in China as examples, the paper renders analysis from three aspects of management, job offering and positioning. Due to the increasing requirements on the translators' comprehensive knowledge and humanistic literacy, it is suggested to cultivate the basic lan- guage ability and the multi-abilities to develop.

关 键 词:日企 人才 日语 就业 

分 类 号:G640[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
