
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:朱芬[1] 


出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第1期121-127,共7页

摘  要:篇章回指主要包括零形回指、代词回指、名词回指。回指类型的选择,是各种语言表达和不同语言转换过程中都必然面对的问题。本文以零形回指为切入点,针对"汉语不及日语零形回指使用分布广泛"这一论点提出异议,指出汉日零形回指使用分布均十分广泛,进而详细略论汉日零形回指的使用特点,探求特征背后的汉日语言类型学异同,最后提出日汉翻译实践中对回指现象的处理建议。There are three major forms of anaphora, noun anaphora, pronoun anaphora and zero anaphora. Speakers must choose the form of anaphora when expressing something or translating one language to another. Through research into the features of zero anaphora in Chinese and Japanese texts, this paper finds that although there are some differences in details, zero anaphora is the most important form of anaphora in both Japanese and Chinese. Accordingly, as translation strategies, zero anaphora does not need to be changed into noun or pronoun anaphora every time when translating Japanese to Chinese.

关 键 词:篇章 零形回指 汉日对比 汉日翻译 

分 类 号:H146.3[语言文字—汉语]
