
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19





This paper discusses the contradiction between the accuracy and objectivity of standardized translation and the flexibility of Chinese by examining in detail the definition, characteristics(accuracy and objectivity), background of standardized translation and its influences on Chinese culture firstly and then stating the Characteristics of Chinese in word formation and syntax to show the flexibility of Chinese language in the light of the methods of definition-statement, examples, comparing-analysis etc. so as to show the differences of the characteristics in standardized language and Chinese. It is found that the standardized language is accurate and objective enough but it lacks the flexibility that Chinese contains.  Therefore it is concluded that the Accuracy and Objectivity of Standardized Translation is contradicting with the Flexibility of Chinese language and standardized translation does have great influence on the status of Chinese culture. 

Key words: standardized translation; accuracy; objectivity; flexibility

1. Introduction
With the rapid development of science and technology, especially the popularity of the Internet, more and more international activities are related to politics, economy and culture. The human has stepped into a new stage, and they need to cooperate with each other in these fields. As a result, the standardized translation involved with finance, commerce and laws are becoming more and more important. However, the negative influence of standardized translation on Chinese is unbelievable. The standardized translation concerns more on the objective reference meaning of a sentence, but can not express the implication in other language levels. That is, the standardized language is accurate and objective enough but it lacks the flexibility that Chinese contains. As we all know that the flexibility is the essence or the soul of Chinese culture [1] 45-52. Without the Chinese native essence, it is hard for the language to keep its own characteristics under the globalization.
