
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


在相关探讨成果基础上,本论文着重探讨飞白修辞的巧妙翻译。飞白是汉语中特有的一种修辞手法红楼梦中亦屡见不鲜。本文拟就《红楼梦》中有关飞白的翻译策略进行研讨,旨在归纳这类修辞格的主要特点,及翻译转换策略,英语论文,进而发掘这类翻译的一般性规律。通过将杨宪益和霍克斯的两种译本与原文进行比较,笔者发现无论是杨译本还是霍译本均对飞白的翻译做了很好de的尝试;他们将汉语的这一语言特色成功的植入英语,得到翻译界的广泛好评。与此同时,由于不同的认识角度,加之汉语修辞格固有的抗译性,英语论文网站,他们的译笔有时候也不尽人意。通过对比略论两者不同风格的翻译,笔者提出“飞白”的翻译技巧:1)尾注释义,谐音译味;2)曲解改写,借题发挥; 3)摹状仿拟,异化归化。

[关键字] 修辞;飞白;malapropism;《红楼梦》;翻译


This paper focuses on the proper translation of the Chinese rhetoric device “feibai” on the basis of the related study achievements. As a rhetorical phenomenon, “feibai” has appeared as early as more than 2017 years during the Qin and Han Dynasties. In which “fei” connotes the deliberate meanings and “bai” refers to wrongly used, mispronounced or miswriting characters. Similar to “Malapropism” in English, it is defined as “unintentional misuse of a word by confusion with one that sounds similar but different meanings”. By comparing “feibai” with “malapropism” and analyzing the strategies taken by David Hawks and Yang Xianyi for translating the figurative expressions of “feibai” in Hongloumeng(《红楼梦》).At the end of this paper the author will get some roles that should comply with in the translation of this rhetoric device. In different situation and for different purposes we should take the suitable action. And the author will take samples from two renowned English versions by Chinese scholar Yang Xianyi and English professor David Hawkes; it makes a close examination of their different translation strategies in taking feibai and affirms the great efforts and achievement in their translation works. At the same time, it also points out some of their translation flaws owing to the inherent untranslatability of Chinese rhetoric and the perceptual limitations on the part of both translations.

Key words: rhetoric device; “feibai”; malapropism; Hongloumeng; translation.

1. Introduction
    At present, there is so much researches about the translation of Hongloumeng (《红楼梦》) :the research about the names of person in literature, places and dishes in it, and on the rhetoric, there are the studies of metaphor, idiom. Besides, there is the research of Hongloumeng through culture difference. Although the translation of it is so greet and “feibai”, as one of the rhetorical devices with outstanding national features, appears in Hongloumeng many times which plays such an important role that it can not be replaced, the research about it is little and not so deep compared with that of simile, personification and synecdoche. Then there appears such a difficult problem: how to apply “feibai” to English to express the writer’s witty attention correctly and the article’s meaning affectively. So this paper has a further study of “feibai” in Hongloumeng based on the research of the precious.
