
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20




As an important work for research, Hong Lou Meng is full of value: its poem, its story, its characters and so on are all worth studying. Those chapter titles which highly summarize and refine the content of every chapter also belong to one of the research aspects. This paper focuses on the translation of “puns” in the chapter titles and the influence of “context” on pun translation. By studying one version of David Hawkes and another of Yang Hsien-Yi and Gladys Yang, this paper tries to find the features of pun, and through studying Delabastita’s theory of pun translation, this paper tries to find suitable methods to translate puns, such as transliteration and footnote, omission, explanation, compensation and so on. With further researches, the translation strategies of puns can have improvement and be applied more flexibly.

Key words: chapter titles; pun; context; translation strategy

1.    Introduction
At all times and in all countries, Hong Lou Meng has won a high reputation since it was composed. Without any doubt, it is a masterpiece which is renowned as the peak and landmark of Chinese classical novels and considered as one of the marvelous works in the history of human civilization. Its attractive and complex plot, its broad and profound theme, its well-organized structure as well as its vivid language and successful use of the various rhetorical methods make it preeminent and monumental. As a result, an increasing number of scholars attempt to “digest” it completely and meticulously: every chapter, every sentence, every poem, and even every word is worth studying. Many scholars have made lots of studies on it and will continue to analyze it. Here this paper will make a general study on one point “pun” based on their research achievements. And this paper will be divided into four parts.
The first part is to let people have a general understanding towards the studies of pun. Firstly, the definitions and classifications of pun will be introduced. And then the study of the translation of puns will be introduced briefly, especially Delabastita’s theory of pun translation.
