
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of study
英语教学和学习都十分重视教育在中国。然而,关于缺乏语言情况的学生不能充分地接触到这门外语。传统上,中国的英语教师主要采用为本ateacher,图书为中心,以语法翻译教学措施。换句话说,在语文课堂的互动是从老师到学生,或者是没有在所有的老师和学生之间的互动。在这种情况下,英语毕业论文,课堂教学变得单调乏味的很多同学都逐渐失去兴趣英语写探讨。其结果是,经过几年的英语学习,学生可以只略论语法和翻译的通道,他们大多是没有良好的沟通,或用英语思维。因此,它已成为紧迫的是,应教英语有效地在学校的教室。也就是说,作为外语的英语教学质量,必须强调和更多的罹患率应重视语言能力,以实现英语教学的目标。根据社会语言学理论的交际能力(海姆斯,1972)和天然第二语言习得的心理语言学理论(Krashen的,1982年)theinfluence外语教学的意义和沟通,而不是形式和结构上奠定了很大的压力。因此,有一种普遍的看法,教师应创造最大化的机会,让学生接触到真实的语言和真实lifeinteraction[N近年来,在英语教学中的另一个重要的变化是,英语论文范文,教育工作者和探讨人员已经把他们的重点从以教师为中心的课堂学习中心的课堂,这将导致在逐步突出学习者的立场英语写的课堂教学。English teaching and learning are attached great importance to education in China.However, for lack of language situation students can not sufficiently be exposed to thisforeign language. Traditionally, English teachers in China mainly adopt ateacher-centered, book-centered and grammar-translation teaching method. In otherwords, most of the interaction in the language classroom is from the teacher to studentsor there is no interaction between the teacher and students at all. In this case, theclassroom teaching becomes tedious many students are gradually losing interest inEnglish study. As a result, after several years of English study, students can onlyanalyze grammars and translate the passages, and most of them are not good atcommunicating or thinking in English. Therefore it has become urgent that Englishshould be taught effectively in school classrooms. That is, the quality of the teachingEnglish as a foreign language must be emphasized and more attention should be paid todifferent language skills in order to achieve the goals of teaching English. Under theinfluence of the social linguistic theory of communicative competence (Hymes,1972)and the psycholinguistic theory of natural second language acquisition (Krashen,1982)foreign language instruction lays great stress on meaning and communication ratherthan on forms and structures. Thus, there is a widespread belief that teachers shouldcreate maximization opportunities to expose students to authentic language and real-lifeinteraction, [n recent years another important change in EFL teaching is that educatorsand  researchers  have  shifted  their  emphasis  from   teacher-centered  class to learner-centered class, which results in gradual prominence of learners' position inEnglish classroom teaching.
English Teaching Syllabus (2017) of Chinese Senior High School says, " - -Thepurpose of senior English teaching is to enlarge students' vocabulary, develop theirbasic skills and improve student's ability of communication in English but the mostimportant thing is to train students' English-reading ability..." As the most importantreceptive skill in English learning, reading is put at a key position in the New EnglishCurriculum Standard. Reading is important for many other reasons: In the first place,through reading readers can get information for their study, for their career or for theirpleasure. Second, any exposure to English is a good thing for language learners. Onlyby reading can students acquire the speed and skills they will need to advance to thenext level of language proficiency. It also promotes vocabulary development, reinforceslanguage structures and enhances writing ability. What's more further education abroaddepends on quality and quantity of reading. Where there is a little reading, there will bea little language le
