
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Abstract :This paper analyzes the current situation of Business English teaching in our college , and especially studies the problems facing our teachers , which are how to attract students to take part in class activities , as well as how to let students master basic language activity abilities that are really more important and useful in business world than they have thought , such as meeting new customers and using of telephone. And also ,teachers should give students chances to be familiar with trade process in simulative circumstance. According to the fact of Business English teaching in our college , the paper provides two suggestions.
Key words :Business English ; English teaching
摘 要:本文略论了我院商务英语教学近况 ,提出了进一步提高教学质量的几点建议。
  We can find the explanation about InternationalBusiness English from the text materials of CambridgeBusiness English : International Business English is forbusiness people who need to , or will s oon need to , useEnglish in their work. I t may als o be used by adult stu2dents who will be entering the business world at the end oftheir course of studies.
     In the past decade , International Business Englishhas played an important role in import and export trade inChina , and it will still be vital to increase gross domesticproduct with Chinese foreign economic development , es2pecially after China’ s entry into World Trade Organiza2tion. Therefore , our country must train adult students whocan use English well in business world in their futurejobs , and then this training task becomes the main dutyfor universities and colleges having Business English ma2jor. Business English has been a major in our college formany years. I t is my pleasure that I can be a teacher inthis field and do what I can do. After nearly 10 months’Business English teaching in our college , I would like togive two suggestions in the paper.
     1  The current situation of BusinessEnglish teaching in our college
     Our college is a kind of profession technical college.Therefore , the major duty of our college is to train profes2sional students who can use their knowledge in their jobsonce they graduate. That means , they not only have tounderstand various theories about English knowledge intheir minds , but als o they have to master the abilities todo business with foreigners in English , such as theyshould use English to neg otiate with partners and solveproblems. I t is obviously that doing business with customers in market to earn money is more important thanjust reciting and remembering the language’ s theories inclass without using them. According to these basic re2quirements , our department chose the Cambridge BusinessEnglish textbooks as our primary materials that combinelanguage skills , which commonly we put it on the higherplace , and business knowledge. Besides the central text2books , we als o use relative materials to improve studentsEnglish listening , speaking and writing , as well as busi2ness professional textbooks in Chinese. There are general2ly two parts in every class in Business English course , in2cluding knowledge impartment and skill training , whichgive students chances to master knowledge points and ex2ercise using them in simulative company. I t has beenproved by the fact that it is a suitable way to train Busi2ness English , and has been accepted by most major stu2dents.
     2  The problems we are facing ,英语毕业论文英语论文题目
