
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:从“时态”的角度略论了英法汉3种语言现在时用法及表现形式的差异英语法语同属印欧语系,法语论文范文,其时态变化主要体现在动词的变化形式上。汉语不同于印欧语系,其动词没有形态变化,法语论文,须借助时态副词、助词等虚词来显示不同的时态。This article analyses the similarities and differences among the usages of the present tenses of Chinese, English and French from the point of view of their "aspect". English and French belong to the language family of Indo-European. The changes of their tenses can be found in the changes of their verb forms. However, Chinese is different from this language family, whose verbs have not the change of forms. The tenses in Chinese should depend on the adverbs of tense, the auxiliaries and the function words, etc.
