Better Orientation, Better Accompaniment and Better Preparation: the Analysis on the New Education R[法语论文]

资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-17



The French government has launched and implemented a new round of high school educational reform in Septem- ber 2017, which hoped to let each student succeed through introducing the explore courses, personal accompanies, and "stages passerelles entre les differentes voies et series" in this process, and through strenghening foreign language learning and focusing on greater access to one' s culture and better prepares students for their studies and life in general, so that each student could be succeed through better orientation, better accompaniment and better preparation. However, during the policy implementation pe- riod, it encountered many problems like currently the reform seems more political than pedagogical as seen in the policy text de- scription, which contains a great deal of idealistic thinking and lacks practical and operational steps that are essential for the teachers to follow and refer to, which made the french people anxiety until now.
