俄汉存在句对比探讨 [俄语论文]

资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

比较是语言探讨的一种基本措施。在学习外语的过程中,如果能把外语与母语中相反或相同的现象加以对照略论,将大大促进外语的学习。作为一种既普遍又特殊的句型,存在句在俄汉语中都是大量存在的。俄汉存在句的对比探讨必将加深对俄语存在句的认识。本文正是致力于俄汉存在句“同”与“异”的对比探讨的。探讨的现实性:本文题材的选取取决于该题材在国内的探讨状况。时至今日,中国俄语学界还鲜有人对俄汉存在句进行全面、系统的对比探讨。作者希冀通过本文的撰写来丰富此项探讨。探讨的目的和任务:本文的目的在于展示俄汉存在句的“同”与“异”并揭示二者异同的原因。适应于此目的,本文需要解决如下具体问题:⑴俄汉存在句概念的确定;⑵俄汉存在句形式结构的描写;⑶俄汉存在句意义(语义)的描写;⑷俄汉存在句功能的描写。探讨的措施:本文以俄语为本体,汉语为参照,通过大量的例子,从肯否两个方面对比俄汉存在句的形式、意义(语义)和功能。本文的学术创新:本文最大的新意在于揭示了俄汉存在句异同的原因。这是由不同的思维方式引起的。本文的结论:通过对比我们得出这样的结论:俄汉存在句具有许多相同的地方,这说明人类的思维具有共性;俄汉存在句也有许多不同的地方,俄语论文,这说明语言是有民族性的。而这个民族性正是由俄汉两个民族不同的思维方式造成的。本文的结构:除附录、参考书目和致谢外,俄语论文网站,本文共由六个部分组成。第一部分是绪论,交待语言学中对比探讨的大背景和“存在”的含义。 第二部分确定俄汉存在句的概念范围,并介绍各自的探讨状况。第三、第四部分是全文的核心,分别从肯否两个角度对俄汉存在句进行了对比。第三部分更是重中之重。这一部分提出了存在句的结构三要素:存在区域词、存在动词、存在物名词。结构三要素的语义对比是全文着墨最多的地方。第五部分着重略论了俄汉存在句不同之处的原因。第六部分是结论。

Contrast is a basic method of language study. In the course of studing foreign languages, the contrast of the same or different phonomena betw-een a mother tongue and a foreign language will great promote the study of the latter. As a general but particular sentence pattern, existential sente-nces(ETS) exist with a large number in Russian and in Chinese. The contr- ast of ETS between Russian and Chinese will strengthen the understanding of Russian ETS. The purpose of this paper lies in the study of similarity and difference between Russian and Chinese ETS.Reality of the study. The subject of this paper is chosen according to its present study at home. Untill now, few scholars in Russian linguistic field in China have made a complete and systematic contrastive study bet-ween Russian and Chinese ETS. The author wishes to enrich the study of it by writing this paper.Purpose and task of the study. The purpose of this paper is to show the similarity and difference between Russian and Chinese ETS and furth-er reveal the causes of the difference between the two. Accordingly, the following problems are needed to solve in this paper.⑴the definition of the concepts of Russian and Chinese ETS;⑵the description of the formal structures of Russian and Chinese ETS;⑶the description of the meanings of Russian and Chinese ETS;⑷the description of the functions of Russian and Chinese ETS.Method of the study. The study of this paper is based on Russian and takes Chinese as references. The contrast of forms,meanings and fun-ctions between Russian and Chinese ETS are made positively and negati-vely by the use of a large number of examples.Academic novelty of this paper. What is most remarkable in this pa-per is the revelation of the causes of the differences between Russian and Chinese ETS.Conclusion of this paper. We draw such a conclusion by contrast: Russian and Chinese ETS have many similar aspects, which shows that the thinking of human beings has something in common; many different aspe-cts also exist, which shows that language is characterized by nationality. And this nationality is created by different modes of thinking.The structure of this paper. This paper consists of six parts in addit- ion to appendix, references and acknowlegements.Part One is introdution, which tells the background of the contrastive study in linguistics and the implicature of “existing”.Part Two defines the range of the concept of Russian and Chinese ETS and introduces the situation of the studies respectively.Part Three and Part Four are the center of this paper. These two parts tell us the contrast between Russian and Chinese ETS positively and negat-ively. Part Three is the most important of all, which includes the proposal of the three structural components of ETS—existential locations, existenti-al verbs and existential nouns. The semantic contrast of the three structural components are laid special emphasis on. Part Five makes an analysis of the causes leading to the differences between Russian and Chinese ETS.Part Six is the conclusion.
