
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Russia is a country with excellent traditional superstition. Late 1980s, especially from the start at the beginning of 90 years, the Russian or Soviet combined with production of all categories of the country on a sharp decline, is to the demand of knowledge innovation and Prospect of industrial skills significantly reduced, natural all this in the category of social science and technology condition and the situation has also, on the other hand, the traditional state of the science management system is in rapid decline and collapse. 1980 years to end 1990 Suishou hand years the Russian scientist research growth pace seriously by academic crisis in Russia: science research simply falling apart, many scientific research laboratory and research part voluntarily closed, the vastness of the scholars no longer in scientific research, and an increasing number of academic institutions involved in the crisis, and all these are in western advanced countries superstition static growth background generated. In this paper, the comparison and analysis of relevant literature materials basically, the system elaborated the superstition in Russia's occurrence, influence of Russia in the period of transformation of the scientific research organization, in transformation era science growth emerging changes, analysis of superstition to learn why stop growing, and science reflective practice in Russia, the future growth of Russian science bias. This article thought that the transformation of the age of science and development of Russia to stop the study not only deepen the understanding and understanding of Russian science, but also a substantial scientific and practical. Also should see, Russia has excellent talent reserve, the discipline advantage, industrial basic, them through ten years of pain felt, is now swap policies, discuss how attachment superstition skills to revive the economy, once their policy, thoughts and policy adjustment to quasi accurate orbit, projections of the country is not impossible. It is a very necessary work to study the actual growth of science and technology policy in Russia and the static state of science and technology policy.


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6-7   第一章 绪论   11-18       1.1 背景目的及意义   11-12           1.1.1 探讨背景   11           1.1.2 探讨目的   11-12           1.1.3 探讨意义   12       1.2 国内外探讨综述   12-14           1.2.1 国内探讨综述   12-14           1.2.2 国外探讨综述   14       1.3 探讨内容和创新点   14-16           1.3.1 探讨内容   14-16           1.3.2 创新点   16       1.4 科学学的基础理论   16-18           1.4.1 科学学定义   16-17           1.4.2 主要学派与代表人物   17-18   第二章 转型对俄罗斯科学探讨机构的作用   18-29       2.1 俄转型时期对科学人才领域的作用   18-21           2.1.1 俄转型时期对科研人才组织的作用   18-19           2.1.2 俄转型时期人才比例的变化与人才流失略论   19-21       2.2 俄转型时期科研机构的内部组织的变化   21-22           2.2.1 变化的原因   21           2.2.2 科研机构比例的重新分配   21-22       2.3 俄转型时期科研经费与学术基金组织的建立   22-25           2.3.1 科研经费的来源与资金匮乏   23-24           2.3.2 基金组织的建立   24-25           2.3.3 竞争机制的影响   25       2.4 俄转型时期的科研体制改革   25-28           2.4.1 改革的背景   26           2.4.2 改革的导向与内容   26-27           2.4.3 改革中的缺点   27-28       2.5 本章小结   28-29   第三章 转型时期的俄罗斯科学学   29-40       3.1 俄罗斯科学学发展过程   29-31           3.1.1 俄罗斯科学学的兴起   29           3.1.2 俄罗斯科学学探讨的代表人物   29-30           3.1.3 科学学各探讨机构的发展情况   30-31       3.2 俄转型时期科学学理论的运用   31-34           3.2.1 马克思对于科技的思考及价值   32           3.2.2 库恩的范式理论   32-33           3.2.3 科学的横组合体   33-34       3.3 俄科学学探讨停滞的理论因素   34-36           3.3.1 学术危机   34-35           3.3.2 亚细亚生产方式   35           3.3.3 俄罗斯科学学所面临的困境   35-36       3.4 转型时期科学学向科学社会学过渡   36-39           3.4.1 俄罗斯科学社会学的启蒙   37           3.4.2 俄罗斯科学社会学的产生原因与意义   37-38           3.4.3 科学学与科学社会学的关系   38-39       3.5 本章小结   39-40   第四章 俄转型时期关于科学学的反思   40-46       4.1 科学反思理论的出现   40-42           4.1.1 超个人反思的形成   40-41           4.1.2 科学主体意识变化   41-42       4.2 科学反思的特点   42-43           4.2.1 科学与哲学问题的结合   42-43           4.2.2 隐性知识的出现   43       4.3 科学反思的类型   43-45           4.3.1 理论内部的反思   43-44           4.3.2 元理论的反思   44-45           4.3.3 整体科学的反思   45       4.4 本章小结   45-46   第五章 俄罗斯科学学未来发展方向的转变   46-52       5.1 科学学发展方向的多元化   46-49           5.1.1 专业科学学分支   46-47           5.1.2 科学伦理学受到重视   47-49       5.2 马克思主义哲学对科学学的作用   49       5.3 从社会的本质发出看待科学学问题   49-50       5.4 科学学发挥社会功能   50-51       5.5 本章小结   51-52   结论   52-53   参考文献   53-57   攻读学位期间的学术论文   57-58   致谢   58  
