泰国佛教建筑遗产保护的民间力量与实践 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:张霁[1] 胡冰洁[2] Zhang Ji,Hu Bingjie

机构地区:[1]重庆大学建筑城规学院 [2]英国伯明翰大学

出  处:建筑与文化》2017年第5期186-187,共2页Architecture & Culture

摘  要:泰国佛教建筑遗产民间力量源于本国民众虔诚的宗教信仰、以佛寺为社区精神核心的生活习惯以及发展迅速的文化旅游经济。民间力量的主体主要有社区民众、寺庙僧侣和高等探讨机构。近几年来,泰国佛教建筑遗产保护取得了突出成就,一些成功案例展示了泰国宗教文化背景下民间力量在遗产保护工作中发挥的独特影响,得到了国际的广泛赞誉。文章阐述三个遗产保护实例的概况和理念,略论各案例中民间力量的组织和实践影响,进一步总结泰国佛教建筑遗产保护的特点及启示。In Thailand, the emergence of the grassroots heritage preservation force for religious buildings was rooted from the domestic faith to Buddhism. In addition, the custom which centralizes the wat as the core of community spirits and the rapid development of cultural tourism economy also help to enhance the awareness of conserving historical buildings among grassroots. The main body of grassroots force are the community residents, monks of wats and high educational institutes. In recent years, the conservation for wats of Buddhism makes great achievements. At the background of thick Buddhism culture, It has been internationally appreciated, a range of outstanding cases display the grassroots in Thailand have played a unique role in the heritage preservation. In this article, three case study of Wats preservation in Thailand have been elaborated. Analysis has been down to learn the experience of grassroots heritage preservation, and also this article aims to summaries the characters and inspiration gathering from the Thailand religious building heritage preservation.
