泰国中学汉语教学考察报告--基于曼谷4所学校的调查与探讨 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:朱志平[1] 孙红娟[1] 步延新[1] ZHU Zhi-ping, SUN Hong-juan & BU Yan-xin (Chinese Language and Culture College, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)


出  处:《云南师范大学学报:对外汉语教学探讨版》2017年第5期5-11,共7页Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Teaching and Research of Chinese as A Foreign Language

基  金:基金项目:国家汉办项目“泰国中学高质量课程标准研制与开发”(项目批准号:汉办财通[2017]809号).该项目由泰国教育部提出意向,国家汉办立项,北京师范大学汉语新师资培养基地承担研发,其中“泰国义务教育中学汉语教学标准”是子项目之一;中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助,北京师范大学自主科研项目“海外中小学汉语教学探讨”(项目批准号:SKZZB2017003).

摘  要:文章根据对泰国曼谷地区4所中学的调查,从教室环境、外语课程与汉语课时以及班级规模、师资力量与师资水平以及管理者水平及其对汉语教学的态度等方面略论了泰国中学汉语教学的教学条件;结合课堂观察,本文对作用泰国中学汉语课堂教学的因素进行了略论;结合教师访谈,泰语论文题目,本文对泰国中学汉语教学中的教材、教法和教学内容进行了略论,讨论了教师们在教学中的困难。在上述略论的基础上对正在研制的《泰国中学汉语教学标准》提出了修订意见。This study focuses on Thailand's Chinese teaching based on four Bangkok middle schools and analyzes their classroom environments, foreign language curriculums, class hours and size, teach- ers, teaching and management levels and attitudes. Based on the observations in Chinese classes, this study discusses the factors affecting Chinese teaching in Thailand's middle schools. With interviews with TCF teachers,it also analyzes the textbooks, teaching methods, and teaching materials as well as the major difficulties. Based on the aforementioned analyses, it finally gives suggestions on revising the Thailand Middle-school Chinese Teaching Standard.
