부산지역 중국유학생의 대학생활 적응에 관한 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Nowadays, more and more Chinese students come to Korea to study. Until 2008, there are over 4,000 Chinese students in Busan Areas. Because of the differences of culture and language, many of them can not adapt to Korean college life. Therefore, in th...

Nowadays, more and more Chinese students come to Korea to study. Until 2008, there are over 4,000 Chinese students in Busan Areas. Because of the differences of culture and language, many of them can not adapt to Korean college life.
Therefore, in this , Chinese students’ adaptation to college life in Busan Areas has been studied. The aim of this is to find the factors which can affect Chinese students’ adaptation and how the result of this can be used in Korean college education.
The research method in this is literature survey and questionnaire survey. The questionnaires were distributed to 181 Chinese students in 7 universities of Busan Areas. The data is processed and analyzed by using SPSS statistics program, in which statistical methods such as factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, linear regression analysis and so on.
The result of this survey supports all hypothesizes. So we can conclude that interpersonal relationship, academic achievement and Korean mastery level are important factors which can affect Chinese students’ adaptation in Busan Areas.
