
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08
为了运用飞翔才能低的异色瓢虫法国种群公道掌握蚜虫对作物的伤害,加倍有用地施展其益虫天敌的主要脚色,从而为应用于农业临盆供给实际根据。本文研究5部门即异色瓢虫法国种群形状特点的不雅察,异色瓢虫法国种群初步研究,异色瓢虫法国种群与北京种群个别间的飞翔才能比拟,异色瓢虫法国种群与北京种群田间飞翔间隔比较,分歧空间程度对异色瓢虫法国种群捕食豆蚜效应的作用,成果注解1。飞翔才能低的异色瓢虫法国种群形状特点的不雅察,成虫体长500~824 mm ,体宽310~500 mm,体呈卵圆形,半球状拱起,后头滑腻无毛,似半粒黄豆年夜小,背部光彩花纹变异很年夜,但鞘翅末尾都有一对牙痕,这是异色瓢虫的明显特点。两个地舆种群的幼虫及成虫形状特点根本类似。2。北京异色瓢虫种群的产卵量年夜于飞翔才能低的异色瓢虫法国种群,两个种群均随猎物的增长产卵量增长,没有明显性差别。异色瓢虫北京种群均匀分量为0。0433±0。113g,而异色瓢虫法国种群的分量为0。0412±0。0087,用t磨练停止剖析,北京种群与法国种群没有明显性差别,法语论文范文,二者总的孵化率也没有明显差别。3。法国种群个别在飞翔频次、飞翔速度及一次连续飞翔间隔三方面均明显低于北京种群。两处置间在一次连续飞翔时光及飞翔均匀距离时光上均存在明显差别。对于一次连续飞翔时光来讲,异色瓢虫法国种群个别的飞翔时光明显小于北京北京种群,为3。67±0。27 min,仅为后者的7。75 %。与之相反,异色瓢虫法国种群的飞翔均匀距离时光为55。08±3。88 min,为北京北京种群的2。9倍。异色瓢虫法国种群个别来讲,飞翔速度在较低程度年夜幅震动,尔后忽然上扬,在较高的速度程度仍然出现震动趋向。在10 h今后,其飞翔速度降低,前期有所重复,法语论文网站,但其飞翔速度曾经到达实验的最低值。对飞翔速度与飞翔时光停止回归剖析注解,二者之间的回归曲相符双曲线,其回归方程为y = 一 0。003x2 / 0。088x / 0。078,Rsq =0。313。北京种群的飞翔速度变更也有必定的震动趋向,但较之异色瓢虫法国种群,其震动幅度显著削弱。其飞翔速度坚持在较低的程度,并连续2一3h。尔后在较短的时光规模内疾速安稳上升,在到达最年夜值前,会阅历两次安稳震动。其飞翔速度会逐步降低至晚期飞翔程度,并逐步趋于安稳。我们对飞翔速度与飞翔时光停止回归剖析注解,二者之间的回归曲线相符双曲线,其回归方程为y = 一 0。051x2 / 1。338x– 3。007,Rsq = 0。817。4。异色瓢虫法国种群与北京种群在飞翔间隔上比拟具有明显性差别,异色瓢虫法国种群的飞翔才能显著低于北京的异色瓢虫,法国种群最年夜飞翔间隔140cm,最小为3cm,北京种群最年夜飞翔间隔480cm,最小间隔为13cm。异色瓢虫法国种群在40一80cm规模内搜集到的数目最多,间隔越远,所搜集到瓢虫的数目愈来愈少,在200一300cm规模内没有搜集到异色瓢虫法国种群。而北京种群异色瓢虫在120一150cm规模内搜集到的数目最多,跟着间隔越远搜集到的数目越多,120一150cm点今后逐步安稳。5。研究了异色瓢虫法国种群各龄幼虫及雌、雄成虫对豆蚜的捕食功效。成果注解各龄幼虫及雌、雄成虫对豆蚜捕食功效反响相符Holling II模子,各圆盘方程实际值和实测值拟合较好。飞翔才能低的异色瓢虫1—4龄幼虫及成虫的a/Th值年夜小顺次为4龄2龄雄虫雌虫3龄幼虫1龄幼虫。解释飞翔才能低的异色瓢虫4龄幼虫、2龄幼虫及成虫对豆蚜有较强的掌握才能。


In order to apply the fly low Harmonia axyridis French population reasonable grasp the aphid damage to crops and double useful to display the beneficial insect natural enemies of the important role, which is applied to agricultural production supply according to the actual. The purpose of this paper is to study the five departments that H.axyridis French population shape features not Yacha, Harmonia axyridis French populations studied, Harmonia axyridis population of France and Beijing population individual fly can be compared, Harmonia axyridis population of France and Beijing field populations fly interval, the impact of spatial discrimination degree of Harmonia axyridis France predator of Aphis craccivora effect. Results notes 1. Flying low to H.axyridis French population shape characteristics of the observations, the adult body length 500 ~ 824 mm, body width of 3.1 ~ 500 mm, oval, hemisphere shaped arch, behind the smooth and glabrous, like half the size of a grain of beans of the eve of the small, back glorious pattern variation is very big, but at the end of the elytra have a couple of teeth marks, this is the obvious characteristics of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas). The larval and adult shape characteristics of the two populations were similar. 2. Beijing Harmonia axyridis population fecundity in the eve of the flying low to H.axyridis French populations and two populations were with the growth of the prey fecundity growth, no significant differences in the. Harmonia axyridis Beijing population of 0 uniform component. 0433 / 0. 113g, the French population component of Harmonia axyridis was 0. 0412 / 0. 0087, with t training analysis, Beijing population and the French population did not differ significantly, the total hatching rate of the two also did not differ significantly. 3. The population of France was significantly lower than that of Beijing population in three aspects of the frequency of flight, the flight speed and a continuous flight interval. Two there is a significant difference between the disposition of the time and the average distance in a continuous flight. For a continuous flight time speaking and French populations of Harmonia axyridis individual flying time is less than that of the Beijing population. 3. 67 / 0. 27 min, only 7 of the latter. 75%. On the contrary, the French population of Harmonia axyridis fly distance is 55 times uniform. 08 / 3. 88 min, 2 of the population of Beijing Beijing. 9 times. Harmonia axyridis French populations generally speaking, flying speed in a lower degree of the eve of the amplitude of vibration, later suddenly rise, in the high speed degree still appears vibration trend. In the 10 h in the future, its flying speed is reduced, the previous period has been repeated, but its flight speed has reached the lowest value of the experiment. On the flight speed and flight time to analyze the regression analysis, the regression curve between the two is consistent with the hyperbolic curve, the regression equation for y = 0. 003x2 / 0. 088x / 0. 078, =0 Rsq. 313. Beijing population of flying speed changes also have certain vibration trend, but compared with Harmonia axyridis population in France, the vibration amplitude of the weaken significantly. Its flying speed is at a low level, and 2 consecutive 3h. Later in a relatively short period of time in a rapid and steady rise, before reaching the maximum value, will experience two stable shock. Its flying speed will be gradually reduced to the extent of late flight, and gradually tend to be stable. We on the flight speed and flight time to analyze the regression analysis, the regression curve between the two curves, the regression equation is y = 0. 051x2 / 1. 338x - 3. 007, Rsq = 0. 817. 4. Harmonia axyridis population of France and Beijing population is flying in the interval compared with a significant difference between, French population of Harmonia axyridis fly to was significantly lower than that of Beijing of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas), most of the eve of the French population fly interval 140cm, the minimum is 3cm, the most of the eve of the Beijing population fly interval 480cm and minimum interval of 13cm. Harmonia axyridis French populations in the scale of 40 to 80 cm to collect the number of intervals are farther collected Ladybug number getting fewer and fewer, in 200 300cm scale did not collect to French populations of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas). And Beijing population of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) in 120 a 150cm scale to collect the number of most follow intervals are farther collected the number, 120 150cm gradually in the future is secure. 5. On the effect of predation of Harmonia axyridis larva and French population of female and male adults to bean aphids. The results revealed that the II Holling model was used to test the effect of each instar larva, female and male adult on the predation of bean aphid. The fitting of the actual value of the disc equation and the measured value was better. Flying low to Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) 1 - a/Th 4th instar larvae and adult value Nianye small ordinal for 4 years old "old" male "female" the 3rd instar larvae of 1st instar larvae. Explain to fly low Harmonia axyridis 4 instar larvae and 2 instar larvae and adults to have a strong ability to control bean aphid.

