泰国孔子学院汉语言文化推广模式探讨--以泰国宋卡王子大学孔子学院为例 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:吕芳 李翼 LV Fang, LI Yi (College of International Cuhure & Education, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin Guangxi 541004, China)


出  处:《湖北函授大学学报》2017年第8期124-125,共2页

基  金:本文系广西高校科学技术探讨项目“基于东盟孔子学院的中国文化传播模式探讨”探讨成果之一(项目编号:KY2017YB039).

摘  要:作为在海外推广汉语和宣传中华文化的品牌和平台的孔子学院,目前在全球范围内呈现出繁荣发展态势,及时总结汉语言文化推广工作的经验,归纳推广模式,关于助推孔子学院健康长久的发展具有积极意义。本文以泰国宋卡王子大学孔子学院为探讨个案,从孔子学院的角色定位、汉语推广、中华文化推广、中国海外形象塑造、本土汉语教师师资培训五方面进行了研讨,以期探究出泰国孔子学院一些普遍性的发展模式。Acts as one of the platform and the brand for the promotion of the chinese language and culture, the Confucius Institute shows his prosperity in the world. It will bring the positive role for the Confucius Institute development by summing - up of experience and promotion mode of the Chinese language and culture. This article studies five factors as role definition, promotion of Chinese language, promotion of Chinese culture, Chinese overseas portrayal, Chinese language teacher training, based on the Confucius Institute at Prince of Songkla University in Thailand for the universal promotion mode of the Thai Confucius Institute.
