다문화가정 어머니의 임파워먼트를 위한 긍정심리 집단상담 프로그램 개발 및 효과 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The purpose of this study is to develop a positive psychotherapy group counseling program for the empowerment of the mothers from multicultural families, and verify its effects. On the basis of theoretical study and basic research results, the prelimi...

The purpose of this study is to develop a positive psychotherapy group counseling program for the empowerment of the mothers from multicultural families, and verify its effects. On the basis of theoretical study and basic research results, the preliminary program for the empowerment of the mothers from multicultural families was developed then the revised final program was confirmed, and its effects were verified. The basic research was conducted of 400 multicultural families' mothers from nationwide, with using the surveys of their original languages and stratified sampling.
As a result, among the positive psychological variables, positive and negative emotions, self-accommodation, controls on environments, gratitude, optimism level,
and the objective of life turned out to be the key factors to the empowerment of the mothers from multicultural families, and thus, were selected as composing factors of the program. Based on these factors, the mothers from multicultural families were provided with the opportunities to reinforce their strengths and promote positive emotions through actual activities, and facilitated to solve their real-life problems. Furthermore, after the preliminary program was conducted, the evaluation process was conducted by experts in order to verify its theoretical validity and applicability. Based on the evaluation results and participators' opinions, the preliminary program was revised and transformed into the final program.
The subject of the research are 20 mothers from multicultural families, who have children and are able to communicate in Korean language 10 of them were randomly selected as an experimental group, and the rest 10 as a controlled group. To the experimental group, the positive psychotherapy program for the empowerment was implemented twice a week, through 8 sessions, and its effects were examined by both qualitative and quantitative analysis. As a result, a meaningful difference on empowerment, subjective well-being, psychological well-being, optimism, gratitude, and mental pain between the experimental group and the controlled group was confirmed. Also through the qualitative analysis and program satisfaction on actual experiences, the effects were confirmed. The conclusions are as following. First, considering the lack of psychotherapy program for mothers from multicultural families and the limited subject of the previous researches on this field, this study holds a meaning as a basic research, as it deducted positive psychotherapy program factors, with using stratified sampling methods covering multicultural families from
nationwide, and verified the roles of positive psychological factors including subjective well-being, psychological well-being, gratitude, and optimism level to enhance the empowerment of the mothers from multicultural families. Second, this study suggested a form of program that integrated both educational and psychological aspects, such as psychological emotions enhancement, strengths-practices, and positive expectations on life, based on positive psychological guideline. The focus of the program development was rather on positivity and strengths-practices than on weaknesses or negativity of mothers from multicultural families through sharing positive feedback and experiences, participators were provided with opportunities to formulate emotional, psychological supports and empathy themselves. Also, since both qualitative and qualitative methods were used to verify the effects of the program, the results were analyzed in a more mutually complementary ways. Especially, qualitative analysis could verify some effects that weren't clear in the quantitative analysis due to the limited number of cases. Third, considering that the necessity and demand for psychological, emotional interventions and strengths-reinforcement on mothers from multicultural families are significant, and that its actual interventions are not sufficient, this study is meaningful since it developed positive psychotherapy group counseling program for the empowerment of mothers from multicultural families based on positive psychology guideline, and endeavored in a more practical methods. In conclusion, the positive psychotherapy group counseling program developed by
this study will be useful for the mothers from multicultural families who experience psychological, emotional, and social conflicts, and will provide multicultural fields of counseling and education with tangible benefits for the more sound and happy growth and improvement within the multicultural families in the future.

본 연구는 긍정심리 치료기법에 기반하여 다문화가정 어머니들의 임파워먼트 향상을 위한 집단상담 프로그램개발하고 그 효과를 검증하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 이론적 고찰과 기...
